A Place To Run

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Juvia P.O.V

          I headed out into the moonlit night. I hurriedly walked because I knew he would come looking for me soon, just so he can beat me. I didn't know where I was going, but anywhere was better than here.

          I went to the middle of a park where a big map of Fiore was. The first town I saw would be the one I go to. Magnolia. Sounds good to me.

          I went to the train station and bought a ticket to Magnolia. As I got on to the train, I got many weird looks from people. It was probably because I had my pajamas on.

          The outside world is beautiful. Its better than I could have imagined. I can't imagine why mother wanted to keep me inside all my life.

          As the train traveled, I stared out the window as all the scenery passed. I was fascinated. Everything was so gorgeous in the moon light. My eyes began to get heavy and I started to doze off into a deep sleep.

          Once the train stopped, I opened my eyes and it was sunrise. Everything was even prettier. The sun came out a just made everything shine. Its breathe talking.

          I got off the train and headed out where ever I could go. I made a bad choice though. Never walk alone near alley ways. Three men walked out of the alley. They reeked of liquor. I knew that smell because that's how stepfather smelt often.

          "Hey pretty lady. Where yah headed to" One of the men asked.

          "Uh, I am juts heading home" I said trying to slowly step away from the men. If you can't tell, I have a fear of guys. I am afraid they are going to treat me exactly how stepfather had.

          I could tell they were planning to do bad things to me by the looks on their faces. Stepfather had gave me that same look too. "Why don't you hang put with us for a bit" He said bouncing his eye brows up and down.

          "Um, no thank you. I should really be getting home" I lied as an excuse. They just walked closer. As much as I wanted to run, I couldn't. I was frozen with fear. The whole time, I couldn't see their faces. I could only see step father's.

          His evil smirk. His threatening eyes. Everything. "Oh c'mon. I think you can stay out a few more minutes" The other guys said. I felt tears brimming in my eyes. It was going to happen again.

          The three guys grabbed my arms. I tried to scream but couldn't. I struggled and wiggled but nothing. "Leave, Me, Alone!" I shouted, my eyes were shut tight. But when I didn't feel their touch anymore, I opened them.

          The three men lay on the ground before me, soaked. I looked at my hands and they were translucent. I touched it and it was like water. What is this? I thought.

          "She's a Fairy Tail wizard! Run!" They shouted. What's this Fairy Tail they speak of? I guess I will find out. I went up to the nearest woman and asked her where I could find Fairy Tail. She just pointed north to a building.

          When I got there, I stood in front of the doors. I opened them and walked in. It was a bit rowdy for being 10 o'clock. Tables and chairs flying. This place better be good.

Gray P.O.V

          As Natsu and I fought, someone walked through the door. Everyone stopped what they were doing. We all faced the mysterious girl who walked in.

          "Who the hell are you?" Natsu asked. The girl stood there, silently. If you ask me it was a bit creepy.


Heyy. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. Will things get better for Juvia? What will happen? Thanks for reading. If you are enjoying, Vote, Comment, Follow Me, Message Me. I Loovvee You! Byyee!


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