I'll Protect You

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Kagome's body was pushed back and forth as she went down river. The water was beyond cold as she tried to stay afloat. She tried to grab onto the boulders in the river, but it was useless. She wondered if she was going to die like this. She didn't want to leave her friends behind. She couldn't abandon her duty. Even if she was the one who shattered the sacred jewel, she wouldn't abandon it. But she was glad that she left Inuyasha. He no longer had a place in her heart now and he never will be. Then she saw the edge.

Kagome gasped as she sat up from the bed. As she did, pain took over her body. She remembered Inuyasha's betrayal and falling off the cliff. She didn't expect that there would be a river down below. She guessed that she was somewhat lucky. Then she noticed her surroundings. She knew that she wasn't in Kaede's hut. It looked she was in a room at a inn. But it looked more like a room at a temple. The shoji door opened and Kagome's widened at the figure who stood in the doorway. This person had a purple four star tattooed on his forehead and dark shade of cobalt eyes. He wore a pair of white hakamas with a white haori and a patch of iron shoulder guard with a purple like fern pattern on his left shoulder that's attached with the rest shoulder by a piece of red cloth. There was also a red sash tied around his waist. He wore black gloves that are held in place by his middle finger.

This man was someone her group had fought against with six other members of his. His members nearly killed all of them during that time. The last time she saw him was when he was defeated by Inuyasha.

"Bankotsu." Kagome said. She didn't expect Bankotsu to be standing in front of her. Well, alive that is.

"You're awake. That's good." Bankotsu said as he walked over to her and sat down next to her, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel achy all over." Kagome said, rubbing her shoulder and back.

"Well, you should lie back down." Bankotsu said.

"Hai." Kagome said as she laid back down into the futon. Bankotsu pulled the cover up to her chin.

"Get some more rest. Then I'll bring you some food later." Bankotsu said.

"Hai." Kagome said. Then Bankotsu stood up and headed towards the door.

"Bankotsu." Kagome said.

"Hai?" Bankotsu asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"Thank you for saving me." Kagome said.

"You're welcome." Bankotsu said, giving a small smile. Then he opened the door and left the room. The room went quiet afterwards. Kagome had never expected that Bankotsu had saved her from death. She was very thankful towards him. Even though they were enemies before. She had to admit that he has a nice smile. Even though it was a small one. She slowly closed her eyes and went into a dreamless sleep.


Bankotsu knew that she was shocked to see him. He was somewhat expecting that she would freak out when she saw him. If she found out that he saw her partly naked when he and Shinichi were treating her wounds, that's probably when she'll freak out. He blushed when he saw her half naked body. He had to admit that she has a beautiful body. Nice rounded breasts, heart shaped face, pouty lips that were dying to be kissed, and not a pound of baby fat on her milky colored skin. He shook his head at the memory and tried to think about something else. Well, right now he wanted to know why the hanyō left her. But first, he went to tell Shinichi that she was awake and went back to sleep. Later he would get her some food. He could tell that she had quite a night.


"Where's Kagome, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked when he saw Inuyasha entering the camp. All three of them waited all night for Kagome and Inuyasha to return to the camp. But only Inuyasha showed up this morning. It seemed odd to them.

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