Chapter Nineteen - Breakfast Conversation

Start from the beginning

"YOU SHUT UP!" Ron cut him off.

Draco's eyes flashed dangerously and he inhaled, his chest swelling to such an enormity that he seemed to expand and become ten times his normal size in body mass.

"Draco, calm." I whispered. "Don't let this escalate any bigger than it has to be."

Ron glared at me. "You really are a piece of work Hermione you know that!"

"RONALD!" Ginny spoke up. "Shut your fat monkey mouth for two seconds while we explain!"

Ron turned on her. "YOU'RE NO BETTER! Ginny, what the hell were you thinking letting this happen?" He fixed her with a deathly stare but she didn't back down.

"YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING?!" Ginny started toward him with a very tangible rage rolling off her. "WHAT I WAS THINKING IS THAT YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE WANKER!" She stood over him with an air that only Mrs. Weasley herself could have matched. "NOW SIT YOUR ASS ON THIS CHAIR AND DON'T MOVE UNTIL WE'RE DONE TALKING OR I SWEAR RON WEASLEY I WILL HEX YOU INTO THE NEXT CENTURY!" She dropped her wand from her sleeve and grasped it tightly in her hand.

Ron looked as though he was about to object before glancing at her hand and sitting in the chair behind him.

Draco smirked and I gave him a warning look.

I cleared my throat and Ron's eyes set on me, the anger still radiating very strongly off of him. "Ron, Harry's in trouble." Ron's face turned from an expression of rage to a look of worry and then suspicion in the space of a single second. I grimaced again but continued on. Ron's curiosity got the better of him and he sat quietly as Ginny and I explained the whole situation. As we got to the part where Draco came back bleeding and practically in pieces, Ron's face turned into a satisfied grin. Draco's grip on his glass tightened showing white knuckles and I reached an arm to stroke his bicep, calming him earning a dirty look from Ron. I brushed it off and began telling him about the breakout, Harry's role in it and ending with Harry assaulting me, resulting in his escort off the grounds by the ministry Aurors.

"So where is he now?" Ron asked shocked. He kept shaking his head as if he couldn't believe any of this was true.

"We don't know." Ginny answered. "He won't speak to any of us and the ministry are still trying to figure out how he helped the death eaters escape."

"And this all started when?" Ron looked from Ginny to me expectantly.

"Nearly a month now." I said quietly.

Ron sat quietly for what seemed like forever. Draco coughed and Ron's eyes darted to him.

Out of nowhere, Ron launched himself at Draco causing the arm chair to topple backwards as Ron's fist connected with Draco's jaw.

Draco pushed Ron off him and threw a punch at Ron hitting him straight in the eye. Ron drew his fist back a second time and punched Draco again. The two rolled around on the ground, fists flying.

" fault!!" Ron yelled in between blows. Ron pulled his fist back again and Draco used this opportunity to push Ron off balance grabbing a hold of him from behind and putting him in a headlock. He wrapped his legs around Ron's middle and pushed his hip into him so that Ron's arms, waving madly in the air, shot up to his neck as he gasped for air.

"Relashio!" Ginny shouted pointing her wand at them. Ron and Draco sprung apart and glared at each other through bloodied faces.

"Stop fighting!" I yelled. "There are bigger issues at hand."

Everyone in the room stopped and stared at me and I closed my eyes not wanting to address the situation.

Ginny turned her head slightly, facing the kitchen and waved her wand. Four plates of bacon and eggs on toast came soaring out of the kitchen and landed on the coffee table. I don't think anyone was hungry anymore. Wrong. Ron got off the floor and dabbed at his bleeding lip. He grabbed a plate and sat on his chair.

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