Awake... I Think

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   I hear that annoying sound "BEEP BEEP BEEP" as I always do when I wake up. I get up grumpy and tired and I turn off my alarm clock then realize it's Saturday and go back to sleep. I dream of nothing. Blackness. I know you're probably thinking "You dream like everyone else, it's just you can't remember it." Wrong. I literally do not dream. It has something to do with the amount of melatonin I produce or something like that, I don't know -talk to a doctor.

   I wake up again and do my morning routine: eat, brush my teeth, do my hair, and send my streaks. When all of that's done I text some friends and I think about things because I have nothing better to do. Pretty normal right? Well you'll see otherwise pretty soon. I go to my weekend job that starts at 11 and work for my dad till about 5. My friend Jessy lives next to the food market so he comes over to talk sometimes when I'm working. Jessy is like that guy you see in the movies: hot, nice, the one all the girls want, and he knows he is, but he doesn't boast about it or show off and that's what I like about him so much. He's really humble and pretty funny too and if you ask him he won't tell you he is humble he'll tell you he's self destructive because he is always joking about how he's dumb (even tho he makes all As) but he knows he's doing it on purpose and he knows we know.

   "What's up buttercup?" He said in a strange voice to be funny. "Nun much, other than the usual" I respond. "Well that's nothing new.  Good to see you though, where you been these last few days?" He asked. I give him a confused look, "What are you talking about?" "You haven't been at school for the past week, I texted you but you never answered, we even lost our streak, I was kinda worried for awhile." I don't know what he was talking about, I sent streaks out every day and I've never lost them and I had been at school all week. "I was at school and I didn't loose any streaks, they were there when I sent them this morning." I said pulling out my phone to check. "No you weren't at school, everyone was worried about you, how did you send streaks and not see all the messages you'd gotten? And I didn't get streaks from you this morning." I look through my snap and realized I hadn't sent streaks or opened any snaps but sure enough there were tons of people asking where I was. "This is by far one of your best tricks yet." I say to him knowing this is all just a joke because I know I was at school. "There is no joke, are you ok?" He makes a face of confusion and looks at me close. "I'm perfectly fine. I know you're just messing with me so just give it up." I say with confidence that he is only playing a prank on me. "I'm really not joking, I swear." I knew he was serious, he doesn't say he swears to anything he doesn't really mean. I just stay silent trying to figure this out "Are you ok?" He asks with such a soft sweet voice. I look at him and just shake my head, "Yeah." I can tell by his eyes he doesn't believe me, but he nods and hugs me and walks off to go do whatever it is he wants to.

   I continue through the day thinking about what could have happened to make me miss the whole week but somehow still remember being there. When it's time for lunch I text Karya asking her if I'd been at school all week, she texted back saying no I hadn't and people were worried with all the disappearing people recently. I didn't even know there were people going missing but she said that it had only started this week. She texted "Cahlub started joking saying that you were the one kidnapping the ppl 😂"

   Lunch ended and I went back to my work putting fruit on the shelves and standing there to tell people that we appreciate them coming. After it was time to close up I went home and showered and got paid. I texted Jessy like always and he was still pressuring me about where I had been but I told him I was sick just to get him off my case. "Wyd?" I asked him. "Nothing much" he answered. I was thinking what I could say to make a conversation start but couldn't think of anything so I just asked "What you wanna talk about?" While I waited for him to answer I wondered what had happened with the whole not being at school for a week thinking I was. I asked Dad and he told me he hadn't even been paying attention. Ever since Mom died and Carl killed himself Dad had been a little off  and it's really been up to me to feed us and go to school and I don't ever talk to him either unless I have to for school. Sometimes I feel for him, he really has no one but me left and I'll be moving out soon. I get a text from Jessy saying "What were u sick with?" I text back "I got a stomach virus " I respond. 

   It was getting close to about 5 o'clock and I took a shower as usual but when I got out I felt so much more tired than I usually do so I told Jessy I was gonna sleep earlier tonight and went to sleep. I had a dream. If you remember me saying I never dream this is a big deal, it was strange, I had more like memories or flashbacks than a dream but from what I remembered in the dream I had fought with someone that looked familiar but I couldn't really put a finger on who it was and I was pushed down and they started running and I chased them but after that it's blank. I also remember a warm thick liquid on my clothes and then another warm liquid running all over my body. 

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