twenty four!

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chapter twenty four

sweet tea 💞 sent you a message!

sweet tea 💞:
hey auds
i want to ask you a question
and i'm kind of nervous because
i'm scared of rejection

what is it?

you don't need to be
nervous! ask me anything!

i'd never reject you

sweet tea 💞:
well um
i was wondering if you'd
like to be my date to the oscars?

sweet tea 💞:
as friends of course

sweet tea 💞:
unless you wanted to go as more
than just friends

oh timmy

you don't understand how much
i want to go to the oscars with you, it's
just that i booked a trip to florida next
weekend to see my family.

i wish i could go with you as more
than just friends, it's actually my number
one wish right now

sweet tea 💞:
it's fine, i totally get it
visiting family is always
something amazing

sweet tea 💞:
i just really wish you could've
been there with me, you're the only
one i can even fathom going with

sweet tea 💞:
trust me don't feel bad! i'll
ask my mom, she has always
loved going to award shows

i wanted to kiss you when you won.
or even if you didn't. i want to kiss you

i really am sorry. i hope you and your
mom have an amazing time! my family and
i will be rooting for you the whole night!
i have to go make dinner for juliette
and roman, call me later?  💖

sweet tea 💞:
i wanted to kiss you when i
won or even if i didn't, i just want
to kiss you all the damn time

sweet tea 💞:
of course! talk to you later, amour!


audrey has sent irish woman 💓
a message!

i fucked up
i think timmy hates me
oh god

irish woman 💓:
what? what do you mean?
audrey what happened?

he asked me to be his date at the
oscars but i said no because i'm visiting
my family and he said he understood but

irish woman 💓:
but what? he said he understood

well i asked him to call me later and he
said he would but he hasn't called me

i fucked up ohmygod i can't breathe
right now, saoirse he hates me

irish woman 💓:
hey, hey it's okay
trust me, he probably had
something to do

irish woman 💓:
timmy would never do that, if
he says he will do something he will,
even if he's upset with someone

i know it's just, i like him so much and
the reasons i've avoided saying anything
about my feelings was the fear of this

him not talking to me, what if i hurt him
a lot? and he hates me and never wants
to see my face? what if i don't make him happy
anymore because i rejected him? he even said
he was nervous and scared to be rejected

irish woman 💓:
love, just breathe.

irish woman 💓:
he doesn't hate you, maybe he's a
bit sad that you can't go but timmy
would never stop talking to you for
anything, he likes you too much for
that. do you know how many times he's
texted me, asking me random questions
like what's your favorite store, or your
favorite color, he even came to me to know
more about your family.

irish woman 💓:
he thinks of you as his sunshine, his stars,
his moon. he adores you. nothing could
change that. so listen to me when i say he
doesn't hate you because it's far from that.

i still fucked up, i should have said yes.

i could literally change my flight to a few
days after the oscars, i'm sure my parents
would be fine with it. god i'm so stupid to
say no without even considering just
changing my flight

it's going to be one of the biggest nights
of his life and i probably dampened the mood
on it because i said i couldn't go
i fucked up saoirse

irish woman 💓:
wait so you want to go?

i really want to go, i'm on the damn website
ready to change my flight but i've already said
no and he's probably already asked his mom,
it's useless

irish woman 💓:
now hold on a hot second,
i think you're forgetting that a certain
irish woman is up for an oscar and doesn't
have a date

irish woman 💓:
i couldn't think of anyone better than my
best friend to ask so, audrey pénélope dubois, would you like to be my date to the oscars?

i asked my parents and changed the flight

i'm going to the oscars

irish woman 💓:
more importantly, you're
getting your mans

irish woman 💓:
the night of the oscars, whether he
wins or not, you have to tell him how
you feel. that's my one condition of you
being my date. promise?

i promise

& thanks so much for 10k
on this story! i originally
thought it was going to flop,
but bc of you amazing souls
timorey is becoming real,
love you all! <3

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

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