Chapter One

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 Chapter One

Remy turned away from the kids; they were safe now, they didn't need him. He didn't know quite why he was sure that they were safe, he just knew that they were. The man who had collected them didn't mean them any harm, he'd stake his life on it.

'There's room for one more,' he heard in his head.

Remy smiled. A telepath, of course. No wonder he felt reassured. Still, he had to be a pretty strong one to get past Remy's natural shielding. His powers had been reduced after his time as a prisoner on the Island but he still had a mental shield, even if it wasn't that strong.

'I might be able to help with that,' the telepath told him, clearly having heard Remy's thought.

'Thanks, but I'm not exactly the joining kind, mon ami. Besides, I gotta check on my buddy.'

'As you wish, but if you change your mind, look up Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Westchester, New York.'

'I'm a little old for school.”

'I'll also be needing teachers. In any case, the offer stands.'

“Thanks,” Remy said out loud, before turning and heading back to where he last saw Logan. He turned back as he heard the jet take off, momentarily wondering if he'd made the right decision.

Remy looked over at the girl beside him. He was doing his best for her, really he was, but it just wasn't enough. He had taught her everything he could, which was namely how to steal, but a girl needed more than that. She needed proper schooling, friends and people her own age around to hang around with, not a thief with a hero complex.

She was 16 and at this rate she, like him, would be condemned to a life of crime. After all, without even a high school diploma, the best she could hope for living legally was minimum wage, flipping burgers or something similar.

Once again he thought about Charles Xavier and his school.

It had been about a year since he'd encountered the man on Three Mile Island and he'd been unable to forget the offer of a place at the school. He still maintained that he wasn't really the teaching kind, but this wasn't just for him anymore, it was for her.

She had been living from dumpsters and doing an awful job of picking pockets when he found her, and fool that he was, he just had to rescue her. His intention had been to find her family for her, but it quickly became clear that she had very little memory of her past, and so he had asked if she wanted to stay with him. He expected her to say no, he was hardly trustworthy after all, but she had agreed. He realised that she must truly be desperate.

She was a quick study and quickly became an asset to him, but he was beginning to realise that if he didn't get her back onto a normal track soon, like him she would be condemned to living the dangerous life of a thief for hire.

He sighed and turned away from her. He'd think about it and if he still felt the same in the morning, he'd see what she thought of the idea.

Remy's first thought upon seeing the school was that there must be plenty worth stealing in such a house, but he quickly pushed that thought aside. He put his hand on her shoulder.

“You ready to go in?” he asked.

She looked frightened and he wondered once again, what had happened in her past. Was she afraid because she had no memory and didn't know what to expect, or had someone made her afraid.

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