Chapter 11

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Hazel Levesque was new to this new decade, but she was pretty sure a gun to the face was still a threat.

"How did you find this place?"

'Well, we popped out of the ground right outside the chicken pen' probably wouldn't be a good excuse, so she looked up at Nico, hoping he had an excuse.

The little girl was currently hiding behind the black haired man pointing a gun at them. Hazel guessed the man was related to her in some way or another, but other than that she was lost.

"Well?" The man asked, looking between the two of them.

Nico seemed like he was about to answer, but a blonde man that Hazel recognized for once.

"The others are inside, Tony's watching to make sure no others-"

"Captain America? I thought you died a year before I did," Hazel blurted out. Before she moved to Alaska, Sammy would sometimes entertain her by imitating the soldier's dance. But the man had died right after she moved. She remembered the people said something as they were walking away from her about him in a plane, so she guessed the plane had been shot out of the sky.

"Hazel!" her brother hissed. She still couldn't believe they were related, but it explained a lot of things, so she accepted it.

The little girl peeked out from behind the man's legs. "You've died? Did you see my mom in the afterlife?" She asked.

"Percy," the black haired man said, identifying the girl for the siblings in front of them, "I doubt she actually died, don't trust strangers. Now you two," he put the gun away, "don't move while I call back up, because you guys don't seem to be reacting to intimidation." The man turned back to 'Percy' and told her to watch them, before leaving the room with Captain America.

As soon as the men were out of the room, Nico turned to Percy. "Is your full name Persephone? Persephone Jackson?"

The girl looked confused, but nodded.

Nico looked at the door then back at the girl, "We could take you to your father," he suggested.

The girl's eyebrows forrowed in what could only be confusion. "I don't have a father. And I know where all my family members are. My moma's even right outside the door."

Before either of the siblings realized what was happening, the door busted inward.

"Who are you and why do you want to hurt the children?" The woman who broke the door asked.

"Hurt the children?"

"Well, there's no way you could have just happened upon this house, and as both families living here are very influential, I doubt that it was chance."

"Why do you have Persephone Jackson?" Nico asked.

The woman's eyes narrowed, "How do you know my daughter's name?"

"Nico," Hazel whispered, "Why would Persephone be here?"

Nico glanced at the woman, who's eyes seemed to narrow more, but was unresponsive to the question, before answering, "Not our stepmom, Chiron told me of a demigod by the name of Persephone Jackson. Her mom was killed and now he can't find her. He gave her a sword, but has not been able to contact her since."

The woman picked up the girl infront of them, showing her to the two, but not letting her get close to them, "This is my daughter, and demigod or not, you are not taking her away from me," she said.

Hazel watched as her brother's eyes widdened in surprise. He reached behind him, towards a shadow, before grabbing her hand. "You will forget everything we told you, and will not pursue us once we disappear." He waved his hand in front of him, forming the mist in a layer around the woman.

She put her daughter down and pulled a gun out towards the two kids. "Like Hell I'll forget this. You come to my house, threaten the safety of my kids, and expect me to turn the other way?!" The woman walked towards the door and opened it, "Can you bring the Witch over." She called towards someone outside.

Diamonds popped out by Hazel's feet, "I ain't a witch!"

The woman raised an eyebrow, "Who said you were?"

Hazel realized her mistake and quickly turned towards Nico, asking a silent, 'what do I do?'

Nico debated something for a second, "Our moms are dead, and she's-" he pointed at Hazel, "seen our father once, which is once more than I have. We're going to a safe place where we can live without fear of being attacked. We happened upon this place on accident."

"You're not lying." The woman put her gun back in her holster and left the room, with Percy following her.

The siblings glanced at each other, unsure of what to do. On one hand, they could run away, but they would probably be caught. They could shadow travel away, but then the people could have them hunted down, which would cause more problems. And finally, they could wait here and possibly be killed for ending up on the farm.

The red haired woman came back in, but with the black haired man this time.

"You said you were going some place?" The siblings nodded. "What area?"

Nico looked at Hazel, before answering, "It's near the Oakland hills in California."

The man nodded, swinging his keys around. The two walked out, leaving the door open.

"Are you coming or not?" They called back through the door.

Nico and Hazel walked out, and were soon on a helicopter ride out towards the golden state.

Happy April fools! And I guess Easter.

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