Chapter 3

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Percy and Clint were walking back from the cell area, talking about the mission Clint just went on.

As soon as they entered the lab, they were faced with an angry Stark.

"What's phase 2?"

Before anything could be said, Steve burst in, slamming a gun on the metal lab table, startling the youngest occupant of the room. "Phase 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to makes weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow for me."

Clint put his hands up in surrender, "SHIELD does not plan on making weapons with the cube, we have no intention of-"

He was cut off by Stark pulling up blueprints for a missle design, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Clint instead turned to Bruce, "Would you conider removing Percy from this environment?" Percy was just about cutting off the circulation from his leg, and figured the doc could use the time watching Percy to calm down as well. Thor had walked in a few minutes ago, filling the room with all but one of the Avengers.

"Calcutta was pretty removed, you know." Bruce had an air of anger around him, something that wasn't good in their present circumstance.

"We just asked, we didn't force you to come."

"Well, I'm not leaving just because you decide you can't contain me," he stepped up to the screen, "I'd like to know, why SHIELD is using the tesaract to build weapons of mass destruction."

"It's not SHIELD. It's the council," Percy said from her place on Clint's leg. Thor, for one, was surprised by the shortness of the speaker, "The council decided to make prototypes, have them ready incase another Thor showed up." Thor look baffled, and the others (Except Clint, he was the one who told her what happened) looked confused, "They decided, that out there, there could be millions, billions, of beings like him. Ones that could settle small towns with a grudge match. They decided the best policy would be 'shoot first, question later'."

Tony kneeled down by Percy, despite the fact that she backed away, "And how did a little child figure this all out?" He baby talked to her.

Percy got an indignant look on her face, "This child happens to be the daughter of the Black Widow."

Clint got mad at Tony (this was his best friend's daughter, she would kill him if Percy was hurt (she was seriously pampered)) and the rest of the adults contiued to argue, and Percy looked over at the staff. It seemed to grow brighter while people got angrier.

The Black Widow was already in the engine, taking down the helicarrier as they spoke. Other parties used the septer to track the helicarrier, arriving soon.

Back in the lab, the almost Avengers were argueing more loudly. Percy still stood by the pedestal, watching the septer glow.

Only a few more wires left until the first engine was down.

Percy could hear the voices, although they sounded faint, "Banner, could you please head over to the-"

"Where? You rented out my room."

"The cell was not made to contain you, it was just in case-"

"You needed to kill me, but you can't, I know, I've tried. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people, I was good. 'Till you dragged me back into this freakshow and put everyone here at risk. Do you want to know my secret? Do you want to know how I stay calm?"

Percy saw a hand reaching back towards the septer. She didn't respond for a minute, but as soon as the hand picked it up, she reached out her small hand, and put it on thier wrist.

"Please don't" The small whimper stunned everyone in the room.

They stood there stunned for a minute. A minute to long.

The last wire was gone, and the engines blew up. Tony and Steve were flung to the right, Clint and Thor were flung to the left, and Percy was flung with Bruce over the edge of the rail into the area below.

A pipe landed on Percy's leg. She was lucky it was being held up by another pipe, but unluckily her foot was stuck.

She turned to her left to see the doctor.

"Doctor?" she asked, "can you help me?"

He didn't respond, which worried her.


He started shaking, and it was obvious he was fighting the Hulk.

Caught up with the stress and the pain in her leg, she started crying.

Up above, the bording party from Loki's crew had arrived. They infiltrated the inside of the ship, trying to make sure that the engines stayed down.

Two workers approach Percy trying to see if she was okay, she waved them away, knowing what was to come.

She was still crying, and she could tell Bruce was losing to the Hulk. The transformation was beginning, and she was still stuck.

His shirt was tearing and his skin was green. While transforming, Bruce/Hulk fell off the platform they were on, pulling the pipe off as he went down.

Percy grabbed her foot, and still sat there, crying. She looked over to where Bruce fell to see him look up sadly on last time before the Hulk took control.

Once the transformation was complete, Hulk took a minute to catch his balance before turning to Percy. She saw the look in his eyes, she knew he was smart. The Hulk protected Bruce, and knew that Bruce was in charge of protecting this child, therefore, it was his job to protect the child as well. He grabbed her, almost effortlessly, before punching a hole in the side of the helicarrier and plummeting to the depths below.

Clint ran into the control room, hearing Fury shouting orders as he came in.

"-take us to the water."

On of the navigators turned to respond, "Flying blind. Navigations recalibrated after the engine failure."

Fury stormed towards the man, "Is the sun coming up?" Fury asked.

"Yes sir."

"Then put it on the left." He ordered, "get us over water. One more turbine goes down and we drop."

Clint stepped in front of Fury. "Has anyone seen Percy?" He asked. Nat would be so mad if he lost her daughter.

Two engineers ran into the control room, out of breath form sprinting. "The Hulk has jumped ship," One said, passing out from the effort.

The other finished his scentence, "and he took the little girl."

Widow's Child (Fem Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now