Chapter 1

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(I have not watched the movie in about a year, so forgive me if something is wrong, but I'm half making this up as I go)

As soon as Fury entered the lab, he saw the panic. It was a quiet panic, as if they were scared of spooking something -or someone. A glowing and pulsing cube was the main centerpeice of the room, and seemed to be the center of panic.

"What is going on here?" He boomed at the head scientist.

The scientist glanced up at the ceiling where a flash of red was running around before answering, "She's been acting up, and we can't tell what's going on. There's been no interacting or tampering within the last 48 hours, so we have no clue what's going on."

"Someone's opening the door from the other side."

Fury looked up, "What was that agent Romanoff?"

She jumped down from the rafters where she had hid, "I discussed this with Barton. It's a door. Doors open on both sides."

The cube started pulsing even brighter, even throughing lightning around the room. It made a portal which spewed out a man before closing again.

Agent Romanoff went around, trying to grab important things like the cube and some of the more intelegent scientists. Some commotion went on behind her, but she stayed on target until something happened. The only people left in there were her and Fury, her having gotten all the scientists out. 

The man and Fury were currently having a battle of wits, giving her time to grab the cube. As soon as she grabbed it, the man turned around, and was suddenly in front of Natasha. He touched his staff to her chest, and her eyes turned blue


"Gentlemen, I have called you all here for one purpose, however, I would appreciate if you helped me with another task."

Fury stood in front of a table filled with a group of agents and otherwise specially invited men. The invited men were a group of specially gifted individuals: a man who looked nervous sitting still, another man who was not paying attention in the slightest, a man who was sitting like a perfect straight A student, and an archer who was nervously twirling an arrow between his fingers.

"One of our top agents has been captured by Loki. This agent could probably take down all world leaders within a day and still have time to have brunch with Mr. Barton here." He motions to Clint, the man spinning the arrow, "The only reason everyone on this ship isn't dead is because she has training fighting mind control. And one other reason. On board we have the most important person on Earth," the men sat up in their seats in curiosity, except for Clint, who glared lightly at the Director, "this person holds the fate of millions of people, and could probably take out most of you here with bare hands. She knows the most gaurded secrets in the world. I am asking you to protect her from any harm. Any harm to her could result in the end of the world."

Tony perks up, "Is she hot?" Clint glared at him now. Tony didn't take the hint, "I mean, if she's this dangerous, than she must be hot."

Fury got up and walked to the door. He pulled open the door, walked out, before walking back in with a slight limp. 

He could see the doctor and Steve politely asking a question with thier eyes, while Tony decided to go the extra mile and ask out loud.

"So where is she?"

Percy stepped out from behind Fury and ran to Clint, jumping into a hug. She started signing wildly, something he had taught her years ago. She vaguely heard surprised from Cap, and confusion from Tony. Bruce just raised an eyebrow.

Where is moma?  Percy asked. She had started calling Nat mom about a year after her actual mom's death.

"I don't know." Clint admitted in defeat.

"Wait a minute," Tony said, squinting at the girl, "you're the one who tagged along with Natasha Romanoff when she was watching me!"

The girl nodded and looked at him before signing, my moma said you were an idiot, and I wanted to see for my self.

Clint snorted, then went up to talk to Fury for a moment, him angry for Fury bringing Percy here instead of to his house.

"You're her!" Bruce blurted, "the girl who brought me in!"

Bruce was working with his latest patient when a girl came in.

In heavily broken and accented English, she asked for help. She offered money as well.

'My father- sick, help?' She held out a small wad of cash, and pointed back the way she had come from.

Bruce pointed at the people on the beds, 'like them?'

The girl nodded her head in confirmation.

Bruce allowed himself to be led to a little shack on the edge of town. Once the two entered the building, the girl ran behind the legs of a man who was most certainly not sick.

'Sir, I understand you may be confused, but I need your help.'

Bruce snorted, 'you run out of test subjects and little kids to torture?' He motioned towards the little girl hiding behind the man's legs. He hadn't had very good experience with the government so far, and was seriously doubting they would just turn around that easily.

'Sir, I understand you may be angry, but I need your help.' The man threw a photograph at him. Although he did not pick it up, he saw a woman and the man together, as well as another woman. They were doing that one photo spoof where two people kiss and another high fives them. One woman and the man in front were both dressed for a wedding as bride and groom.

'The red haired woman, the one high fiving me, has been kidnapped. The man who took her has an object that contains high levels of gamma radiation. We need you to track it.'

Bruce wasn't sure if the man was trust worthy or not, so he just stared for a minute.

The man noticed this, and looked on with pleading eyes.

'Please, she's a mother. She has a child to get home for.'

Fury nodded in confirmation, "Yes, she is the youngest person we trust, and figured you wouldn't be keen on trusting an adult."

Tony smirked, "Person? Not agent? Wow, you must be getting applauded by HR."

"You have agents this young? You told me we were at peace, and now you tell me we're desperate enough to recruit children?!" Cap sat up straighter in his chair, visibly angry.

The girl started signing wildly, making faces as well.

Clint translated for her, "her name is Percy. She is not an agent!"

They heard a snort and a 'yeah, right' from Tony.

The girl exploded, "My name is Percy, and I'm not an agent! My mommy is, and we don't know where she is! I want her back! I want to go home, but I can't do that with her prisoner!"

Widow's Child (Fem Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now