Chapter 15, Mount Olympus

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Chapter 15

Mount Olympus

~James POV~

    "Ok, so you ready to tell our parents what we've discovered." I say,while I'm nervously wringing my hands out, they all sharks their heads yes while also looking nervous. I really don't want to go through with this, hopefully they won't shoot the messenger, well the haven't shot Hermes yet, so there's hope. We open up the gate to Mount Olympus and when we walk in, we all take a step back, astonished at all the colors and how bright everything is, everything just seems so vibrant, man, I didn't think we were on earth for that long.

      We all slowly head up the path to Zeus' palace, not a single one of us wanting to be in a hurry to relay the message. After walking for what seems like ages, we reach the staircase to Zeus' palace, we all slowly trudge up the stairs and before I can knock on the doors, the doors swing open, that's never a good sign. Before we even step through  the threshold a bolt of lightning strikes above our head, great, Zeus is frustrated again. We all slowly enter the throne room, as soon as Zeus sees us, he seems to calm down some, I wonder why he's so worried about us. So I ask him, "Why are you in such a bad mood?" Apparently that wasn't the question to ask because a few seconds later a lightning bolt cones flying at me, I don't even have time to dodge, I just close l my eyes and wait for the lightning bolt to strike me, killing me, but it never comes, I open up my eyes and see that the lightning bolt seems to be stuck in place by some kind of force field, I wonder where that came from, well just in case the force field goes away I jump to the side and so do the others, as soon as I jump, the lightning bolt strikes where I once stood. That's just odd.  

     "How, how did you do that?" Zeus asks, confused.

    Just as confused as him, I answer, "I have no clue, I'm just a  surprised as you are." Right when I say that a loud commotion happens beyond the doors, a few seconds later the doors swing open, and in steps the abomination.

    "The reason he was able to avoid that lightning bolt was because he inherited his mother's gift of protection, he protected himself and the ones that are closest to him." the girl who has been chasing us this entire time says, standing tall, looking like she's ready to take on the world.

    "What are you talking about, my mother is a mortal." I say, really confused.

    "No, James, your mother is the Egyptian goddess of protection, Wadjet." She says, that can't be, that would make me an abomination just like her, everyone looks at me like I'm a freak, and Zeus looks furious. She continues, "And he's not the only one, all of those kids are the same, they all have an Egyptian or Norse parent,  I can't entirely tell who the others parents are, but I know for a fact that they have either Egyptian or Norse heritage as well as their Greek heritage."

    "That's not possible, that's just not possible, Apollo, Aphrodite, Artemis, Hades, Poseidon, Nyx, and Eros,  I know your here, and I know you heard what this abomination just said, get out here now and explain yourselves." Zeus shouted, lightning and thunder taking up the entire room. Everyone comes running in, all looking like they should have a tail between their legs.

    "This abomination, that you keep referring me by, has a name by the way, it's Peyton." Peyton says, looking offended at the abomination title.

    Zeus shoots lightning bolts at her, but for some reason my force field reaches out to her and protects her from any harm, then he furiously asks, "Is it true, is everything she just said true?" They all nervously shake their heads yes. "How could you possibly do this to us, ruin our lineage by producing these abominations."

    "Honestly sir, we didn't think it was entirely a bad thing, I mean, with this new generation there's new skills that are being forged, I mean, look at my son, James, for instance, none of us could even think of producing a force field, but he just did it on instinct, he didn't have to think, it just happened. Twice as a matter of fact." Apollo says, trying to defend himself, and the others.

    "I guess your right," he starts, everyone instantly gets a look of relief, but then he continues with, "but my opinion and my rule still holds, I will not have any of these hybrids on Mount Olympus, not as long as they use their non-Greek halves, so, I'll give the five of you who don't know who they're non-Greek halves are an option, either go in search of who you came from, or have your parents tell you now, or never know what your other half is and stay here, if you choose to leave, than you are never to step foot on Mount Olympus again."

    "What about those of us who know who both of their parents are?" I ask.

     "Well, you can either try and be accepted with the Norse or Egyptian gods and goddesses, or you can live on earth, those are your options." He says

     "Why can't I stay here, and suppress my other half with the others, why don't I get that option?" I ask, getting very frustrated with this, it's not my fault I found out about my mother, it was kind of forced upon me, by him.

    "You would be too tempted to use your other half, knowing that you have this other side of you that you know about, but can't use." He says, sounding really stubborn on the situation.

   "That's just not fair." I complain

   "I don't care if it's fair or not, it's my rule, and its final." Zeus says, sitting back down on his throne, I hadn't even noticed that he was standing.

    "I guess I'm heading down to earth, if any of you want to find out the truth, I'll meet you down at the bottom, goodbye." I say, and with that I head towards the door, Peyton follows me, and before the doors shut, I catch a glimpse of all of the people I just spent so much time getting to know, and now I might never see them again, I look away, not able to look at them anymore, and start walking down the path to the gate to leave Mount Olympus. I hear the door slam behind me, and notice Peyton keeping pace with me.

    I open up the gate and cross through, I guess this is it, time for me to find a new life, in a new place, and possibly by myself.


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