Chapter 7, Some Peace, for Now

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~Penelope s POV~


I bounded up the stairs and to the second floor and found my room. I wonder if they have a place to swim nearby. I need to take a little swim before I hit the hay. I unlocked the door and walked inside ... hmm ... hard bed and flat pillows ... oh! balcony!

I slid the door open and took a few quiet steps out to the railing. looking around I noticed a shining lake and was just during to take the dive down two floors to the awaiting water.

I laughed and said, "Yes this is perfect!" aloud.

I started to strip ... when I was finally down to my bra and underwear I stepped onto the balcony railing. I put my arms out and let the wind rush past me. I touched my hands together above my head. I giggled and bent over slightly about to push myself over the edge.

I gave myself a good push and launched towards the pool spiralling towards the water. At speeds that would kill a normal human. Even though I'm only on the second floor it's taking a while to reach the water. I slipped through the top layer of water soundlessly and let myself sink to the bottom.

I laid down and pushed the air out of my lungs. I breathed in the water and closed my eyes.

~Nicholas' POV~

I heard the sliding glass door open and opened my eyes figuring it was just James coming to tell me what time I had to be up for tomorrow. Little bastard kinda placed himself as our leader. Well Zeus does love him! I heard an oh so familiar giggle and sat up. It was dark enough that she wouldn't see me but of course I could see her.

She slipped off her shirt and my mouth dropped open. Black lace why does it have to be black? Her pale skin under the dark fabric was just breath taking. I wish I could stick my hand out, grab her arm, spin her around, and kiss her ... like she was mine ... Poseidon would kill me if I even thought of going near her. But she's just so beautiful.

I tried to speak to tell her that I was there but no words would make there way out. She slipped out of her black ripped skinny jeans and I could see her perfect fair skin. I took one look at her full body and immediately growled lowly. Stop! Nicholas stop! She stepped onto the railing of her balcony. IS SHE GONNA JUMP!?

I watched as she leaned over and started to push herself off I jumped up and over the railing but didn't get there before she pushed herself over.

I watched her land in the water and hoped she come back up. Where is she? Poseidon is surely going to kill me if she isn't alive.

I have to jump in after her! But I can't just do that ... what if she's fine and then tries to accuse me of being a creep ... BUT SHE COULD BE DEAD!

Before I knew it i was in my boxers and jumping over the edge. 

As I flew down the short space I saw her body just laying at the bottom of the lake eyes closed. I splashed into the water and swam towards her. My breath was running low but I had to get to her. I finally reached her and grabbed her hand. Her eyes shot open and it scared me I screamed under water.

Not realizing that I can't breath underwater I started choking.

I pushed myself up to the top of the water but she grabbed me. Before I could push her away to get to the top she pulled my face to hers, she breathed in the water and then put both her hands on my face slowly closing the space. She kissed me ... all of a sudden I could breath again.

She moved away from me a tiny bit and blew out the water that was in her mouth. It created a bubble and I smiled at her.

I wonder if I can talk.

"Yes you can," she smiled.

"You can read minds?"

"Only if they are in the water. If you don't want me to read it and you want to talk I can get out.." She looked towards the ground.

"No you're fine!" Really she is fine ... like beautiful!

"I can still hear you..." She whispered.

I could feel my face blush.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

~Penelope' s POV~

After he had said that I was beautiful I thought it best to leave his mind ...

"Can I ask you something?" He said as we were both suspended just above the bottom of the beautifully clear lake.

I nodded, "can ... uhh ... can I ..." He stopped for a moment and instead of speaking he leaned in and softly ... not to needy ... but nervously placed his lips softly on mine.

I couldn't help it ... my stomach did this weird thing ... it felt good though ... I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him back.

The water turned a shade of pink and got warmer.

We were pushed apart and my father emerged between us and looked at Nicholas ... "Remember ... I have the power to hurt you worse than even Hades ... Don't do wrong by my daughter ..."

Nicholas nodded and looked at me. I smiled and he asked, "Would you go out with me? If she's allowed to that is sir ..."

My father looked to me and vanished, "I would like that ... very much ..." I smiled at him and I pushed us to top.

I popped up dry as I went in and giggled as I looked at Nicholas who was soaked and shivering. I used a little evaporating trick I learned and got the water to drip off his body.

That was the first time I really got a good look at him and his body. He wiped the  last bit of water off his arms and stared at the water underneath him. I looked at his chiseled arms and then to his abs. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him and his dark skin and his muscle. For a son of Nyx he sure is good looking.

"What are you looking at?" He asked me.

"huh ... what ..." I replied stupidly.

"I asked what you were ... Well are still staring at ..." he took a uneasy step towards me then a few more confident ones.

"Well ... I ... Uh ... Haha ... Well I was kinda admiring you ... and your muscles ... and those..." I reached out and touched the spots on his skin. "are they constellations?"

"Yes," he smiled. Wrapping his arms around me I leaned in to his hug and connected the dots into the constellations I knew. "Now don't go making anything new!" he said laughing that's when I noticed the stars on his skin following my fingertips ... I giggled and stopped.

I yawned and said, "I think it's time for me to go to sleep."

"Okay, I just have one question." he asked as we started to float back up to my balcony.

"You can ask it." I told him.

"I'm not trying to hide anything but ... Well don't you think this would be a bad time to tell James or anyone else about us?"

"You do have a point ..." I said, "but I don't like secrets or lies ... I'd rather tell him and have him angry rather than lie to him and him get furious later on." I paused for a moment, "but we can wait a few days and see how everything works out."

He nodded, "Good night Penelope."

"Good night Nicholas," but before I could go back into my room he grabbed  my hand slightly and kissed me. I giggled and saw him jump over to his side and lay down. I walked in to my room and laid down.. what a great night.

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