Chapter 6, Escaping

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~Nicholas POV~

"Everyone wake up, we don't have much time, my paralysis on my battle axe only lasts for a couple of hours, come on wake up!" I keep shouting this over and over again, while going around to each person and shaking them awake. "Come on, we need to get on the move before she wakes up!"

   Once everyone is awake we start running as fast as we can, and as far as we can. We keep running until we see a village, and then we head on into the first inn we see. Man did the innkeeper get a load of us when they saw us, we must have looked terrible after all that running and fighting. James walks up to the counter with Angel by his side and asks for two rooms, they ask for money, and Angels hair catches on fire as she slams her hand down on the countertop, and says something along  the lines of if you don't give us a place to stay, you won't have a home to live in either, the inn keepers, scared for their lives, hands James and Angel 6 room keys. Angel turns around with the largest grin on her face , she loves scaring the life out of people way too much. I guess it comes in handy though because we now each get our own room, sweet. James walks over and hands me my key, while Angel hands the girls their keys. I tell everyone that I'm feeling really tired and walk up the flight of stairs and turn down the hallway where all the rooms are at and look for mine. I find it and unlock it, when I walk into the room, at first it looks really pathetic,, the bed is really small, there appears to be no place for me to store any valuables I may be carrying, it's a good thing I'm not carrying any then, and even the curtains that are covering the window look old and ratty, which wouldn't surprise me since we got them for free, but then I notice, behind the disgusting old curtains, that I have a balcony. I go out onto the balcony, and notice that I have an amazing view. The sun is about to set making the sky have that beautiful shade of pink purple and blue. The lake that I hadn't noticed on the way in is reflecting the Sun in its rippling effect, and if I look closely enough I can see the deer grazing off of the grass. I love it out here so much that I think I might just sleep out here on the balcony. Yep that's what I'm doing, sleeping out on the balcony with the stars as my company.

Living a LieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora