Chapter 5, Hunting

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~Peyton' s POV~

   It's dark out, how can that be, I was only out for a couple of minutes, few hours tops. I must have over slept, man does my cat side seriously need its cat naps. Well, my nose seems to be clear of that lilac smell, might as well and continue the search, if I can find their scent.

   After walking around for a little while, I finally find their scent trail and follow it for what seems like ages. What are they doing that I can smell them so strongly, it almost smells like blood, did I scratch one of them by accident in the fight.

   I rounded a fat tree and stopped, listening for any sounds. I don't hear anything, so I continue to follow the scent of blood. Where the smell is the strongest it's been, I notice a clearing with a lake nearby, and in the center is the kid who tried to blind me, he seems to be looking around. He must of pulled the short straw and gotten watch duty. Might as well sit here and wait for day time.


   After a little while of me sitting there, the kid gets up and walks over to the other guy and shakes him awake, I can't hear what he's saying, but it must have been funny because they both seem to be laughing. After a little while, the other guy gets up and disappears, and the kid goes to his spot in the center, lays down and goes to sleep. I wonder where that other guy went, oh well, if I'm going to be sitting here waiting, might as well and get some shut eye.

    As soon as I revert back to my human form and lay down, out of nowhere I feel a sharp sting at the base our neck, I try and look down, and notice that there is a battle axe to my throat, great, just wonderful.

   "You better start talking, and explain why you are following us." the guy says, now that he's up close he looks to be dark skinned. I try and shove the battle axe away to speak, but he just tightens his grip on it, and brings it closer to my neck, which pierces my skin. Well, I really didn't want to do this, but I guess I'm going to have to. I thrust my elbow back, hoping to hit him in the gut, but apparently he's taller than I anticipated because I accidentally hit him in the balls, he doubles over from pain, I wrench the battle axe out of his hand and swing it toward his neck, stopping short from chopping his head off.

   Then I ask, "Why in the world were you attacking me in the first place, would be a better question?" He doesn't answer me, he just disappears again, how is he even doing that, and where did the battle axe go.

   When I look back into the clearing, I see him waking up everyone else, with battle axe in hand, he must have grabbed it when I wasn't looking. I go to run after him, but my body can't move, why can't I move. The axe, it must be dipped in some kind of paralysis. I feel like everything is slowly starting to fade away, until it's nothing but darkness.


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