Chapter 17

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The cold crisp winter air was really starting to affect the two boys walking down the quiet snowy road. Dougie and Harry couldn't stop themselves from trembling due to the consistent chilly breeze. It had to be below freezing out here. Both their feet were begin to turn a dark black color at their toes, which wasn't a good sign. They needed to find someway to get out of the cold. After Dougie killed Joe they found there way out of the forest and onto the road. They had been walking down it now for quite a while.

"There hasn't been a single fucking car that has driven by yet." Harry bitched as they trudged along.

"If you haven't forgotten we're still in the middle of nowhere." Dougie stated through chattered teeth.

"Someone will have to drive by soon." Harry said.

"Yeah." Dougie agreed, hoping he was right.

"You know I wonder...." Harry was abruptly cut off by a loud bang. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Dougie looked over at his friend and saw him looking down in shock. There was a hole through his stomach. A large red spot started forming through his shirt and he dropped down on his knees.

"Harry!" Dougie shouted frantically.

He dropped down and held him up. "No, Harry stay with me." Dougie cried. "No, no, no." He cried out, feeling hot tears streaming down his face.

Harry's eyes gazed lifelessly up at Dougie. He was already gone. Dougie never got to hear what Harry was going to say. What did he wonder? Dougie didn't very have long to mourn. Another bullet was fired which grazed his upper right arm. It hurt like hell. Dougie stood up and saw Albert approaching him, raising his shot gun to shoot at him again. He started running, feeling another adrenaline rush come over him. He ran back into the woods but didn't go very far, just using the trees by the road to run around helping hide him from Albert.

Dougie's mind was a frantic mess right now. Images of Harry looking down at the hole through his stomach and dropping down kept replaying itself over and over again in his mind. Now Dougie felt completely and utterly alone.

Something came into his view across the road. A house! All he had to do now was run across the road and not be noticed by Albert. He didn't hear him anymore and wasn't sure how close behind he was. At this point Dougie was desperate for any kind of shelter. He raced across the road and towards the house as fast as his feet could carry him.

It was a average looking white house. He didn't even bother knocking on the door. Luckily for him it was unlocked. He slammed the door closed behind him and quickly bolted the lock on it. He let out a sigh of relief. He was safe for the moment. He wasn't sure if Albert saw him run in here or not.

He was stood in a dingy looking kitchen. He searched the room for a phone. Unfortunately there wasn't one. He heard distant yelling coming from somewhere. He noticed a door in the corner of the room. As he walked closer to it the yelling became louder. He opened the door and found that it lead to a basement.

Wait a second, he recognized that voice. It was Tom. He raced down the steps. He was shocked by the room he arrived at. It was faintly lit by a red tinted light bulb hanging down in the middle of the room. Tables and chains lined all the walls of the room with different people chained up or tied down. There was five people counting Tom. Two girls stood chained up, completely naked with blood dripping down their faces. Dougie couldn't tell if they were passed out or dead. A large fat man was strapped down on a table with both his eye's missing. He was whimpering gibberish to himself. There was another man on a table that had his intestines draped down the side of the table, he was defintely dead. Tom was chained up to the wall. The side of his head was swollen and bloody but other than that he looked alright. There were counters and tables scattered around all the people with different tools spread across them. Pictures were tapped up to the walls, in an unorganized mess. They were all of people being tortured by a big man with a dark brown beard.

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