Chapter 5

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They had been driving for almost an hour now.  Tom did take a left at the road, as the man said it would take them to the airport.  Although the only thing they've noticed on this road so far was nothing but trees.  The road was tinier than the road they had turned off of and was much more snowy and icy.  Tom had to drive at a very slow pace to stay in control of the car.

"Where the hell is the airport?  We should have seen it by now.  Or at least a sign or something."  Danny stated, his voice full of worry and irritation.

"I don't know."  Was all Tom could say.  He was starting to run out of optimism himself.  

"This is what the guy at the diner told me."  Harry grumbled.  "Maybe he was just full of shit."  

"Do you think we should turn around?"  Danny asked.

"We really can't.  We're low on petrol.  I don't think we would make it that far.  We need to find a petrol station."  Tom stated with a worried look etched across his face.

"This fucking sucks..."  Harry muttered.

"What are we going to do?"  Danny questioned.

"Keep going, hopefully we'll run across something."  Tom responded.

They keep on slowly driving along in silence.  The tension in the air was so thick, it could be cut with a knife.  There was nothing else to say.  Their only hope now was to find somewhere to stop at to get gas or better directions.

Dougie acted like he was just listening to his earphones, which he was but he could hear everything everyone else was saying and was just as worried as the rest of his band mates.  He noticed something moving out his window.  It was a bit far out in front of the car.  He realized what it was and yanked his earphones out to alert Tom.

"Hey there's a deer running out of the woods up ahead."  Sure enough right after he said that a female deer ran across the road.  

Tom didn't even have to slow down to avoid her.  Just as she made it across though another deer, this one male ran out a few moments behind her.  Tom went to slam on the brakes, but it was too late.  They didn't even have time to react.  The car slammed into the large buck, making it swerve off the road and the side of it crash into a tree.  The buck went flying forward, and was already dead before his body hit the ground.

Luckily for the McFly boys, they were all wearing a seat belt.  Although the buck cracked the windshield making small glass shards fly into Tom and Danny's heads.  The tree hit the side of the car that Danny and Harry sat at.  They got banged against the side of the car, knocking them both out.

Dougie lifted his head up to a gruesome sight.  What was left of the windshield was completely drenched in blood from the deer.  The side of the car was hugely dented in, almost crushing his two friends.  Blood was seeping down from Danny, Tom, and Harry's heads.  Dougie was very shaken up, but other than that he was fine.  He got very lucky, there wasn't even a scratch on him.

 After he gaped at the scene in horror, he snapped out of his trance. "Harry."  He shook his unconscious friend, trying to wake him up.  "Come on Harry."  He shook him harder.  He really didn't know what to do.

After a minute or so he started to come around.  He opened his eyes and looked up at Dougie's frightened face.  "My head hurts."  He muttered.

Relief washed over Dougie as one of his friends woke up, at least now he wasn't alone.  

"Come on we need to wake Tom and Danny up."  Dougie demanded.

Before they had the chance to open their car doors, they heard Tom waking up in the front seat.  He pressed his hand to his forehead and pulled out a piece of glass that was sticking into him.  A trickle of blood rolled down as he removed it.  

"Tom?  You alright mate?"  Harry asked.

He turned around in his seat so he could face them.  Other than the glass in his head, Tom didn't have any other major injuries.  "Yeah, what about you two?"    

"I banged my head pretty good, but I'll survive."  Harry said.  

"Dougie, you alright?"  Tom asked.

"I'm fine."  His voice came out very quiet and frightened.

"Tom try and wake up Danny."  Harry suggested.

Danny had spots of blood running down his forehead.  He got the worst of it from being in the front seat and getting glass in his head and from sitting on the side of the car that got banged into the tree.  The side of his head was all bruised and banged up from the impact of the tree crushing the car.  Tom shuddered at the sight of his friend.

"Guys we are going to have to find a hospital after this."  Tom announced.

He started to lightly shake Danny.  He didn't want to cause him anymore pain, but he needed to wake up, so they could get out of here and look for help.  Without the heat of the car, it was quickly becoming colder and colder by the second.

"Danny."  Tom said, as he shook him a tad bit harder.  He kept repeating his name over and over again.  He had to wake him up.  

Meanwhile in the backseat, Dougie and Harry both pulled out their cell phones, trying to see if they had signal.  Unfortunately neither of them did.  Harry heard Tom's desperate attempts in trying to get Danny awake.  He figured he would help him out.  He gave Danny's seat a good hard kick, jolting him forward a bit.

Danny's eyes sprung open.  His eye sight was temporally blurry and everything was spinning.  He was completely confused, as to where he was and what happened.  He could distantly hear his name being called.

"Danny."  Tom snapped his fingers in his face trying to get a reaction, instead of just a confused mindless stare.  

Finally after a minute or two Danny's sight started to normalize and the spinning stopped.  He saw Tom was staring at him with a worried look and the other two from the backseat were doing the same.  "What happened?"  Danny's managed to ask.  His voice was deep and scratchy, making his thick Bolton accent stand out.

"We hit a deer, then swerved off the road and hit a tree."  Tom explained.  

"Oh, that's right."  Danny started to remember everything.

"You alright?"  Harry asked.

"I think so."  Danny weakly stated.

"Do you think you'll be able to walk?  We need to go and find help before we freeze to death."  Tom said.

"Yeah.  Let's just get out of here."  

Tom and Dougie opened their doors and got up.  Danny and Harry needed to crawl out the same side as well, because theirs was crushed up against a tree.

Danny was a bit wobbly on his feet, so Tom put his arm around him to help steady him.  The area surrounding them was nothing but trees and the small snow covered road.  This was just great, how were they supposed to find any help before the icy cold temperatures froze them to death.

With that thought prominent in all their minds, they took off walking down the road, hoping for the best.

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