Chapter 16

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The sound of gunfire echoed through the woods. The bullet came so close to Dougie that it nicked his tee shirt. Luckily for him he was unharmed by it. He started sprinting even faster, feeling an adrenaline rush from being shot at. More bullets raced towards him, but he managed to dodge all of them. He darted through the trees, not even daring to look back. He needed to just keep running as fast as he could.

Even once he stopped hearing footsteps following him, Dougie continued to keep running at a quick pace. He couldn't be too sure. Eventually his chest and throat started to burn and he needed to take a breather and slow down. He leaned against a tree and bent down, trying to catch his breath. He had never felt so worn out in all his life as he did now, but he knew he had to keep going until he was free, or at least die trying knowing that he gave it his all.





Harry stopped moving at the loud bang of gunshots. He intently listened trying to figure out the direction they came from. He knew there was only one reason he was hearing gunfire. They must have found Dougie. A scowl formed on his face. He had never knew the true meaning of hate, until he had encountered Albert and Joe. He had never wanted anything as badly as he had wanted vengeance on the two bastards.

Knowing this was probably a stupid decision, one which could possibly end his life, he turned and moved in the direction of the gunfire. Maybe Dougie got away, then he could possibly cross paths with him. He also wanted to spot Albert and Joe, so he could sneak up on them and have them be the victim for once. He knew this was risky since he wasn't the one with the gun, but at this point he didn't care anymore.

All Harry saw was red as he kept running, everything else was a blur as he ran by it. He couldn't feel his feet anymore, but that wasn't what he was focusing on at the moment. A loud rustling noise snapped him out of his anger trance. He stopped in front of a large bush. He conveniently spotted a large branch which he grabbed and held above his head as a weapon. The bark dug into his hand, as he tightly gripped the branch ready to hit whoever was behind this bush. He walked around the bush raising the branch ready to strike.

"Harry! It's just me!" Dougie exclaimed fearful that his mate was about to crush his head with a large branch.

Harry's eyes softened at the sight of his best friend. "Dougie, you're okay!" He shouted pulling him into a massive hug, dropping the branch. He was more than relieved to see Dougie still alive.

"Harry, I can't breathe." Dougie said as he was tightly squeezed by him.

Harry pulled away. "I heard gunshots, I figured they shot you." He said more quietly now. He know joined Dougie crouching behind the bush.

"They tried to but I dodged the bullets. Came awfully close though." He said as he pulled his shirt out, so Harry could see the hole the bullet made.

"You're one lucky bastard." Harry muttered.

"I should buy a lottery ticket." Dougie joked.

Harry suddenly picked up on the faint sound that snow makes when being stepped on. Dougie was about to say something else, but Harry quietly shushed him. The noise became louder, someone was defintely walking closer to them. They both huddled closer, trying to be as silent as possible.

They waited for what seemed like an eternity, doing there best to not make a sound. Finally Harry turned and looked from behind the bush. He didn't see anything.

"I think it's safe." He quietly said to Dougie.

"Good. Let's get the hell outta here." Dougie replied.

They both stood up and stretched out their muscles. They snapped their head in the direction of the sound of a gun being cocked. There stood Joe aiming his shot gun at them.

"Well looky what I found here." He announced in a deep grumbly voice.

Dread quickly filled both Harry and Dougie. "Fuck." Harry muttered under his breath.

"Any last words boys?" Joe asked in an amused voice.

Harry turned to him. "No, but you might want to say some." He said in a dead serious tone.

Joe gave him an odd look at his response and before he had time to comprehend what was happening Harry charged at him. Running at full force, he didn't even give himself time to think about what he was doing. Dougie stood there stunned by his friend's actions.

He bashed into Joe, knocking him over. His shot gun went flying out of his hands and flew on the ground a few feet away from him. He and Harry both shot their attention to the gun. They both crawled over each other, desperately trying to reach it. Joe's hand grabbed it first, but before he had time to pull it up, Harry punched him hard in the face.

Now was Harry's chance to grab the gun. His finger's just brushed the wooden handle as was violently pushed away from it. He and Joe rolled around on the snow, both fighting to get to the gun. While all this was going on, Dougie saw his chance to sneak up and grab the gun himself.

The two men wrestling on the ground didn't even noticed Dougie walk up and grab the gun. He cleared his throat extra loudly to try and gain their attention. Harry was the first to notice. He pushed Joe away from him with a pleased smirk on his face. Joe was confused at first but then turned to see his gun being aimed right at him.

"Oh shit." He mumbled. And those were Joe's last words. Before he got a chance to react any more Dougie pulled down the trigger and shot Joe right through his chest.

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