Chapter 7

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They all stared at the shaking door handle for a moment. The door opened and a man who looked to be in his mid fifties stood there. He was tall, skinny, and completely pale. His clothes looked like ones that a hunter would wear. He appeared similar to what the guys had pictured in their minds of someone who would live in a place like this. His eyes were deep set into his face, giving them a dark apparance and his already thin lips were pressed together in a line like he was thinking about what to do.

They stood there for a second just staring at each other in shock. The McFly boys all felt uncomfortable standing in the middle of a strangers house, but at least they weren't freezing anymore. Finally the older man broke the silence.

"You boys okay? You look hurt." He spoke softly, in contrast to what they all thought. They almost forgot about that. Tom, Harry, and especially Danny all had dried blood on their heads, from the car crash. Danny's face looked the worst though.

Harry spoke up. "We were in a car crash. Do you have a phone?"

"I'm afraid I don't." He replied, looking genuinly sorry. "But you fellas can clean yourselfs up in the bathroom." He gestured down a small hallway off of the living room.

"Thanks." Harry muttered as they all walked towards it.

It was a small bathroom, nothing fancy just a cramped little room with a sink, toliet, and shower. There was grime in the corners of the room, it kinda looked like mold or something. The boys did there best to avoid the uncleanliness of the room and just clean themselves up a bit. Only two could comfortably fit, so Tom and Danny went in first. Dougie and Harry stood in the hallway right outside the door.

"Something about that guy creeps me out." Dougie whispered to Harry, being sure to talk quietly enough that he couldn't hear.

"I don't know. I mean he might look a bit scary, but he seems like a nice chap. He didn't even question us to why we were in his house. I expected much worse." Harry responded.

"I guess." Dougie hesitantly agreed. "But who doesn't own a phone?"

"Backward cabin living hicks." Harry replied with a cocky grin on his face. Dougie and him both started snickering.

Tom and Danny walked out of the bathroom, both looking much better, although Danny still had some nasty bruises on the side of his head. "It's all yours." Danny said.

"Come on Harry. I'll clean you up." Dougie stated grabbing his hand and pulling him in the bathroom with him.

Tom and Danny walked back out in the living room. The older man was still in there. "So you say you were in a car accident huh." He stated.

"Yeah. A deer ran into the road and I swerved and with the roads the way they are, the car slide off of it and hit a tree." Tom explained.

"Gotta watch got for them deer, there's loads of them out here."

"We've noticed." Danny mumbled.

"Shit, we've left all our bags, in the car!" Tom exclaimed. Harry and Dougie walked back into the room at this point.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, noticing Tom's upset expression.

"We've left all our things in the car." Tom restated.

"How about, I go get my truck and you show me where you're car is, so you can get your belongings." The man said.

"That would be great thanks." Tom stated graciously.

"Yeah thanks erm.... what's your name?" Harry questioned.

"Albert." He responded.

"Well thanks Albert." Harry replied. "I'm Harry by the way, and this is Tom, Dougie, and Danny." He said, pointing to each guy as he introduced them.

"It's a pleasure meeting all of you." Albert said. "Now there's only room for two of you in my truck. So who's coming?"

"I'll go." Tom volunteered.

"I'll go too." Harry added.

"Let's get going then, I think the snow storm's only going to worse the later it gets." Albert said while pulling on a jacket. The other two still had there coats on.

"See you guys soon." Harry said as they walked out the door.

"Bye." Danny and Dougie both said. They had made themselves comfy on the couch in front of the fire.

Outside the snow still hadn't let up at all. They walked out in the back of the house, where his truck was. He had to brush all the snow off of it before they left. It was a old looking truck but it drove well over all the snow. The road they took to get to the main road wasn't really a road, but tire tracks in the snow in gaps between the trees. The drive there was mostly silent other than Tom directing him towards the area where their car was.

After a somewhat short and very bumpy car ride, their wrecked car came into view. "There it is!" Tom exclaimed while pointing at it. Albert pulled up right beside the busted up car.

"Sure looks like you fellas really did a number on her." He stated.

"Yeah, we're just lucky we didn't get very seriously hurt." Harry added.

"Or killed....." Tom quietly muttered.

"Well the snows really starting to come down." Albert said as they all exited the truck. "We better get your stuff and hurry back to the house."

They both agreed and grabbed their things out of the the trunk. Luckily that didn't have any damage to it and opened quite easily. Albert helped them throw the suitcases in the bed of the truck and then they were on their way back to the house.

Tom looked out of the window as they drove back through the woods to get to the house. Harry and Albert were in the middle of a conversation about bird hunting, a subject that really didn't hold Tom's interest. As he stared out of the window, gazing at the peaceful snowfall, something caught his eye. There laying next to a tree, slightly covered in snow was a jacket. It was a pinkish color and looked like a females. He didn't get a good look at it, but was positive he saw it. He thought to himself that it was strange that a jacket would just be laying out here.

Albert pulled back up to his house. As they walked up the steps to the front door Tom asked Albert if anyone else lived out here, which may explain the jacket.

"Nope, not for miles." He responded.

Tom nodded, thinking that was odd. They walked back inside, being greeted by the warmth of the air due to the blazing fire which Dougie and Danny still sat next to.

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