Chapter 15

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Harry watched Tom successfully climb out the window and make a getaway.  The last words he said to Harry was that he promised he would come back for them. The words kept echoing through Harry's head.  He knew Tom was a man to his word and the only thing stopping him would be death, which in the position they were in could be a unfortunate possibility.

Dougie started to stir. "Doug? You alright mate?" Harry asked as Dougie wearily opened his eyes.

He looked around the room. There was fear and confusion written all over his beaten face. Finally he answered.  "Yeah. Where's Tom? Is he dead too?"  His came out quiet and gloomy.

Harry almost forgot about Danny's head, which was still laying near the cages. He wasn't even letting himself go there and think much about Danny right now, because he needed to focus all his attention on getting himself out of this.

He snapped out of his thoughts and spoke.  "No Tom got out. He's going for help."

Relief spread over Dougie's face. "Good, I thought that when I didn't see him that he was dead too."

"Nope. He got out that window."





It had been a few days since Tom escaped. Later that night Albert came to check on them and found out the Tom was no longer there. He and Joe quickly left and scoured the area for him. They stayed on the hunt day and night for the next two days, until they decided to give it up.

They hadn't moved Dougie or Harry from where they had been in the basement. They would check on them multiple times a day either to just make sure they were still there or just to mess with them. They did things like throw blood on them or give them a punches or kicks.

This morning both Albert and Joe entered the basement which was rare. Usually only one would check on them. Both Harry and Dougie's heads shot up and they watched their every move.

"Today's the big day boys." Albert announced, flashing them his signature toothy grin.

Harry and Dougie didn't know exactly what he meant by that but they were sure it wasn't good. A feeling of dread overcame both of them as the two men stepped closer.

"You're going to be coming with us." Joe demanded.

They unchained the boys for the first time in days. Harry and Dougie's arms were so weak that they could barely feel them. They immediately tied their hands together and also tied a loop around their necks with rope. They used the rope to lead them up the steps, through the house and out the front door.

Once they stood in the snow right in front of the cabin they untied the ropes. "You're free to go. We believe in hunting for our meals, so we'll give you a head start by oh let's say a minute." Albert explained.

"Better get going boys." Joe warned.

They both started hobbling away as quickly as possible. Normally they'd be able to move much quicker, but they were weak from being held captive for days. Their shoes had been removed earlier along with their jackets, so now they only wore jeans and tee shirts. The cold air was already sending deep shivers down their spine.

They took long strides, trying to move their wobbly legs as quickly as possible. They could no longer see the cabin and were sure a minute had passed. Harry had a good lead on Dougie. "Come on, Doug we have to keep moving." He said, trying to encourage his friend.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Dougie said between heavy breaths.

A few more minutes seemed to pass without any sign of Albert or Joe. The boys had been so adamant on getting as far away as possible, that they didn't notice that they had separated.

Harry turned to look back at Dougie to tell him to hurry up, when he noticed he wasn't there. "Shit!" He exclaimed. He would have yelled for Dougie, but that would only draw attention to himself. It would be a completely idiotic move. He could only hope that Dougie would make it out of here safely.





Meanwhile Joe and Albert had been good at keeping quiet while stalking their prey. They had done this many times before and knew very well what they were doing. They knew these woods inside out. After about five minutes they heard footsteps nearby them. They stopped behind a tree and listened. There were definitely footsteps and it sounded as if they were approaching them.

Albert leaned his head to the side of the tree and saw Dougie running in between trees near their direction. He grabbed Joe's arm and pointed at Dougie. This was all just a game of cat and mouse to them and boy did they enjoy it.

Joe swiftly ran behind another tree next to Albert. They both crouched down and pulled their shot guns in front of them. They looked through the guns and got ready to take aim and shoot, once their target runs in front of them.

Dougie, being completely unaware of anyone, felt like he was running in circles. He had no clue where he was going, all he knew was he had to keep moving. Little did he know he was running closer and closer to the predators.

Once Dougie was just about right in front of where Joe was knelt behind a large oak tree, Joe took aim and shot.

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