Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

“Got a call about gunfire,” said Deputy Burke, leaning right, then left to check our truck from a distance. “Don’t suppose a nice fella like you would know anything about that.”

“Just target practice. I’m registered.” Sam stood his ground as Burke stepped out from behind his car door.

"Target practice. In the dark. Not hunting then.”

“No, sir. Only during season. And with a license.”

Burke jerked his head toward Max. “That dog secured?”

Sam pressed down on the hatch, bouncing the truck, to show it was locked.

“I suppose you’re alone out here.”

Sam gave a swift nod.

The deputy straightened a bit taller, but he looked ghostly pale under his red-and-white lights. “Neighbors don’t like unlawful shooting out here. Gives us a reputation. This is a tourist town. Tourists don’t like guns. Hunters go up north out of respect for local businesses.”

“Understood, sir. Just practicing somewhere remote. Didn’t want to bother anyone.”

“Practicing in the dark. That's what you said. I’ll need to see your weapon, son, and your registration. Is the weapon on your person?”

“Yes, sir.” Sam spread his arms wide, when he should’ve been flashing his federal ID or telling cop jokes.

“I don’t see a holster.”

“No, sir. In my waistband under my coat.”

“I suppose you have a conceal carry permit.”

“Of course, sir.”

“You have a lot of polite answers, son. Just hold still. Any quick moves and I might get nervous.” Burke set his hand on his sidearm, crunched the gravel till he reached Sam’s side, a couple of arm’s lengths separating them. The deputy circled as Sam obliged. “Real slow, son, I want you to lock your fingers behind your head and spread your feet.”

Sam assumed the position.

Burke lifted the pistol from Sam’s waistband, held it to the moonlight. “Glock 22. Popular law enforcement sidearm, son. Not many folks target shoot with a police-issue pistol. In the dark”

“No, sir.”

"What's your name, son?"

Sam was silent, turned his head slightly toward the truck. My prayer rattled my brain, I repeated the words so fast.

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