Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

“Right here,” said Sam, but when he reached for the papers in his pocket, Daniels and Stone dropped him face-first onto the breakfast trolley, dislodging the metal dome and smashing his cheek into the pile of scrambled eggs.

I stepped into the hall. “You’re hurting him.”

Sam’s head popped up with an affable smile as if they were all just kidding around. “Hey, Jules.” As he looked me over, his eyes widened. I wore only his Cougar sweatshirt over my underwear. "Whoa."

“Go back to your room,” snapped Stone.

“I’m okay, Jules. Do as he says.” Sam’s face then contorted in pain as Stone pressed his thumb against Sam's throat.

“You don’t talk to her, you talk to me,” said Stone. He yanked the backup gun at Sam’s ankle and pocketed it. “He’s clear.”

Daniels ripped the papers from Sam’s back pocket and snapped them open for Stone to read.

“All signed and pretty.” Sam winked at me.

I edged forward, but I couldn’t help Sam without giving away our relationship. Then again, why would I help a man who’d betrayed me, and his wife?

“Call it in.” Stone took Sam’s arm from Daniels, yanking it higher behind Sam’s back. “You better not be lying. I hear agents get their badges pulled for shit like this. You were always a little showy, Sam, but this stunt’s going to bite you in the ass. And I mean hard.” He pushed Sam off the trolley. “If you're lying, Agent Fields, which I hope is the case, you’re going into custody. And I will personally ensure the DA presses charges this time.”

Daniels pulled a cell from his blazer and removed himself to the hall, while Stone stood between me and Sam like a shield.

“Sorry to alarm you with all this,” Stone whispered to me, setting a hand on my shoulder. “You can go back to sleep. I’ll call you when we’re ready to move.”

Stone tried to usher me to the bedroom, but my eyes were fixed on Sam, who wiped eggs and syrup from his face and his chocolate leather coat. He was dressed in the same clothes as when we’d parted, and his eyes had the same dark circles as when I'd met him.

Sam drew his finger across a breakfast plate of pancakes. “Hey. Real maple syrup.” He stared at me from under his brows as he sucked his finger. “Delicious.”

You lying, cheating sonava...

I turned into my bedroom and slammed the door on both of them. The sound rattled through my tender brain. Clothes, where were my clothes? I grabbed my jeans, hopped around as I buttoned the rivets, ripped off the damned sweatshirt, hitched myself into a bra and a clean T-shirt. No, I 'd wear the silk blouse, stained or not. At the mirror, I combed my hair, pinched my cheeks, rolled on lip gloss. He was going to know what he was missing, the two-timing bastard.

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