part 25

46 3 0


Jimin: Hyung!!

Yoongi: bye!

Jimin: well...

Y/n: please..i dont want you doing that diet thing again...

Jimin: ok...i wont do that..ill eat too okeh?

Y/n: Arasso...bye

Jimin: bye

^end call^

Jisoo: What did you guys talk about...i heard your going to meet up with him..

Y/n: going to meet up with him later and its a-..

Jennie: DATE!

Y/n: well..kind of...but its a surprise..

Lisa: awww sweet..

Rosè: Ehem?

Lisa: but im still team jungkim

Y/n: haha😒

Jennie: ok so now get ready since your going to meet up with him

Jisoo: wear a ski-...

Y/n: i aint wearing a skirt😤..

Jennie: then ...dress..

Y/n: im gonna wear what ever i want...and im gonna wear a long sweater...

Lisa: good choice...but actually we dates of your clothes remember..and its our turn😂

Y/n: ugh...fine

Rosè: yes! Maknaes turn (author problem)

Tyuzu: lets start😜

Lisa: done!

Here's what youre clothes look like

Here's what youre clothes look like

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Y/n: umm...seriously?..

Lisa: yes!

Jennie: look good

Y/n: thanks but-..

Rosè: no buts!

Y/n: what why?

Jisoo: cause...i said so?

Y/n: b-but..

Jisoo: No Buts!

Y/n: late bye!

Tyuzu: Enjoy y/n!

Y/n: Thanks!


Jimin: hey there you are..

Y/n: hey..

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