part 2

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We arrived to the company and we are so nervous i cant even walk put of the car..we used tyuzu's car to go there

Rose: Omg!! Were here guys!!

Jennie: I know rigth

Lisa: Y/n do you have all our papers

Y/n: yep all of them😂

Tyuzu: then what are we waiting for?

Jisoo: LETS GOO!

As we went inside there are a lot of people i dont know if thier gonna audition or not..

Tyuzu is next after the girl..then lisa ,
Jennie,and jisoo.... after jisoo i was next

************Time Skip************

Jisoo: i think we nailed our audition guys😃

Tyuzu: yup we sure did..

Jennie: if we got in we are going to celebrate

Lisa: course....

Y/n: what about now?? Hahaha i think we should celebrate because we tried you know?

Jennie: youre right😆 we should celebrate now and when we got in!

Lisa: cool lets go?

Jisso: but where??

Tyuzu: OH! I know a place!!😀

Tyuzu drive her car to a resturant called sodam (sodam is a korean resturant in philippines)

Jennie: wow this looks cool

Lisa: and delicious😝

Jisoo-Y/n: it sure is😁😁

We ate a lot but i dont know why we still ate ice cream

Lisa: hmmm...the ice taste soo good

Everyone: i know right!

Y/n: ugh.. ok im full hahaha

Jennie: i think all of us is full hahaha

Jisoo: yep..

Tyuzu: where now?

Y/n: ohh i think we should rest😊

Lisa: yea.. cause if got in we wouldnt have any rest😂

Jennie: ok... bye guys

Everyone: bye!

We all went home and took a wonderful rest but i cant sleep yet cause im still kinda full😜 joke haha(ermm ik its not funny😔🙁)

*************time skip**********

Its early in the morning and woke up

Y/n: uhmm what should i eat..? Ohh i know..pancake!

                    Your pov
As i cook a pancake someone rang the doorbel
                     End pov

Y/n: ermmm.... who's there?

???: you wont know unless you open it

The voice is kinda familiar to you so you open your door

Y/n: K-kai!!! (You hug him) why are you here??

Kai: why whats the problem🤔

Y/n: ermm nothing hahaha

Kai: i came to tell you that you should go to SM entertaiment

Y/n: what?? Why?

Kai: nothing..

Y/n: sorry... i already audition at Big hit... but if i didnt get in i will audition there promise

Kai: ok... well uhmm thats all im gonna say.. bye Y/n

Y/n: umm ok bye........Wow i did not expect that... well then im eating now😂

Youre done eating and you were washing youre dishes but your phone rings

Y/n: let me guess this is JENNIE!

    you answer the phone but it was not jennie😂

Y/n: oh hi..who is this?

???: hi this is big hit entertaiment is Y/n there?

Y/n: oh.. actually you are talking to her hehe.. its me im Y/n its my phone num..

BHE: well we have an anouncement

Y/n: oh... what is it 🤔

BHE: You got in of the group congrats thank you for auditioning

Y/n: ohh really!! OMG THANK YOU SOO MUCH!


Y/n: omg im gonna text them in the GC


/n: guys!!


Jennie-Lisa: SAMEE!

Tyuzu: really...ME TOO!!

Y/n: samee ok so who is saying first

Everyone: how about we say it at the same time lets meet up Y/N

Y/n: ermm okie

You guys met at the park you were all excited!!!(same for me😂😝😜)

Everyone: 3.2.1......I GOT IN!!!

Were all shock that we got in😆

Y/n: omg!!

Lisa: i wonder when are we gonna start...

Tyuzu: samee

Jennie: dont mind that.. LETS CELEBRATE NOW!!

Jisoo: yea!!


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