Chapter 1 : Worst day

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Before you guys start reading my book. I'm gonna warn you that there will a lot of grammar errors because English is not my first language. I have received comments & messages about how bad my English is, and I take it in a positive way. I am really sorry because I can't be the perfect author who wrote a book without any single mistake.


Casey run as fast as she can to the front door.

She was late.

Really late.

She never been this late.

It's all because of the assignment that she need to finish because the due date is today.

If she didn't send the assignment today, her group's marks will be deducted and they will also get a detention.

What's worst is that, the assignment is their first subject for today.

Worst day.


Casey grabbed the handle of the door and pushed open it but immediately stopped when she heard someone cursed in pain.

She entered the front door but can't find anyone standing in front of the door.

The person came out behind of the door and looked at her before he rolled his eyes.

Damn. He's hot.

"You're not the only students here. Can you be careful a little bit." He said but got no response from Casey.

She knew that what she is seeing is true.

He was the reason why Casey feel guilty for years until now.

She was the reason why he moved away.

She can never forget that voice.

Especially that blue eyes.

He raised his eyebrows when he was only greeted with silence.

"Are you even listening." His voice a little bit louder.

"Yes. I'm sorry Hu-" Casey immediately stopped when she realised she almost said his name.

He raised his eyebrows again.

"I mean. I'm sorry. This, this will not happen again." Casey said to fast that she immediately run away from that place.

But he stops her.

"Why are you running again. Aren't you scared that you will bumped into students again or worst teachers."

Casey didn't turn around to look at his face. She was suddenly scared.

"I'm kinda late. I have to run to my class. I need to handover my assignment."

When it was silence only, Casey finally turned her face to look at the back and saw him standing there watching her.

He fucking shrugged his shoulder before walking to the counter acting like he didn't just talked with her.

Casey cursed in between her breath before she started walking again.

"Casey." Someone called her.

Casey turned around and looked at the counter where Mrs. Rosie is smiling at her while her hand calling for her to walk to the counter.

"Yes." Casey asked. She was in rushed but it's seems that it's her worst day.

"Can you show him the way to his class. I will give you a pass as an excuse for helping me. Thank me later." Mrs. Rosie winked at her. She have been always kind to her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Rosie." Casey cried out.

"No problem. Now go." Casey nodded before she looked at him.

It's weird. Why is he acting like he don't know anything about this school.

He followed her every movement. He didn't even tried to talk with her while walking side by side.

"Ahhh, wait. I forgot. Can I see your schedule." He gave her his schedule.

"We're almost there." They reached the second stairs and rounded the corner.

"You're class is over there, the last one." He nodded before he started walking away.

"So rude." Casey said out loud which got her gasped shockingly.

"Whatever. Go to your class, clumsy." Casey gasped again.

But she didn't said anything back. Casey turned her heels to the right and walked grumpyly to her class.

"Any reason why you are late Miss Casey." Her teacher looked at her with her arm crossed over her chest.

"I kinda have to wait for the new student to get his schedule before I helped him to his class. I have the pass." Casey showed the pass receiving a nod from her teacher.

"Now, where is your groups assignment? " Her teacher asked.

"Here." Casey walked to the table before she put down the really thick assignment.

"Good. Now go sit in your group."

"Thank you Mrs. Jack." Casey walked faster to her table and sit immediately.

She turned to her best friend which already looking at her. Layla raised her eyebrows.

"He's back." Casey whispered silently.

"Who? " Layla asked back.

"Hunter." At the mention of his name, Layla's eyes widen.

"He's not the shy boy anymore. He changed. 360°." Casey added.

"No way."

"You will see later." The both of them focussing back at the front.

But knowing Hunter is back caused Casey to fidget every minute on her chair.

She was scared of one thing.

After everything that happened a few years ago.


Casey shuddered in fears.


Thanks for spending your time to read my book. It really means a lot to me.

*Grammar errors everywhere

*The day I update is not consistent but I will update every week, don't worry.😘

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