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I think it is starting to work a little bit.

My classmates are becoming more interested in me and a lot nicer.

I started studying more and I noticed I know answers to questions without studying but I'm still not confident enough to say them in front of everyone.

I look kinda cute in pictures and my nose looks smaller.Nothing else changed but my moms friend said I'm very pretty.And that my voice sounds exacly like moms.Nobody said that to me before and I think my voice is changing a little bit.I hate my voice so I hope that is true.My friend said I'm skinny and cute.I don't think so but I hope it is true.

My social anxiety is still pretty bad but I noticed I'm more relaxed sometimes.

Also one boy accidently hit me in he nose with a ball and one popular girl immediatly hugged me.We don't really talk much so that's interesting.And after it happened my nose started bleeding and this one boy would ask about me or go check on me and then run away?He never spoke to me.

My parents became strangly nicer.They don't yell a lot and they said I was grounded but they still let me go out?Weird but I like it.

I'm listening to 3 subliminals.One is for school,one for losing weight and one for beauty.
Each subliminal I listen for an hour.

.Before listening to subliminals I listen to flush and get rid of negative energy for an hour.

Before each subliminal I listen to booster and to get suggestible for an hour.

I hope I'll start seeing more results soon.

Does anyone know how to speed up the proces??

I decided I'll start working out so if anybody knows how to force myself to workout that would be great.I think I'll start updating on my workouts too.Maybe that will motivate me.

I think that's all.

Have a nice weekend!!!


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