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"WHERE IS SHE GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled at my manager in the hospital car park, a bunch of fans screaming my name, they were being held back by fences and security guards... Do they not care that I'm in pain!

Oh wait... Only Natalie knew my pain.

Everyone else is fucking blind.

"Jeonghan! Calm down, she will be okay! It wasn't major-" "NOT MAJOR? SHE HAD A HEART ATTACK! A HEART ATTAAAACK!" I yelled, running my hands through my hair.

"Jeonghan! Let's just go in now, if you care that much. But don't blame me if you get fucked by a fan!" My manager yelled,

"So be it!"

I pushed him out the way and started running,
"JEONGHAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" My manager yelled from a distant.

"FUCK OFF!" I yelled. That's gonna cause a scandle

I almost ran into a young boy who's hand was bleeding a lot,
"Sorry." I said, he looked at me and I only saw his face for a second because I was running again.

Poor kid, looks like he got beaten the fuck out of him. Kids are fucking cruel.

I push through the doors which causes everyone to look at me, the receptionist almost loses her shit but she's the only one there, I just run into the desk, my arms stopping me.

"NATALIE HONG! WHICH ROOM IS SHE IN?" I yelled in a hurry, the lady panicked and quickly typed in her computer. Natalie Hong.

"She's in room 6-G! That is floor 6 and turn right all the way to the end!" She quickly said.

"Thank you, Carat." That's the fandom name, it made her smile when I said it. It's weird how I knew she was a carat, instincts probably.

As I got to floor 6 I turned right, I ran past a room labelled:


A boy was screaming as he was being pulled out, I took one glimpse in the room as I ran past, a girl lay in the bed as the monitor screamed... She's dying.
(A/n: Shameless reference to book 2)


I slowed down, I'm scared. What if I walk into a room with Natalie's clothes folded neatly on her bed?
(A/n: In Korea that signifies that the person is dead, that's why in the BTS Love Yourself Reel Jungkook looks sad when he walks in the girl's hospital room and her clothes are folded on her bed.) (Update: I think)

I took a deep breath as I slowly and quietly opened the door.

No lights were on, only the sun shining into the room, and there... In the bed...

Was a girl who I believe is Natalie.

She looks just like her brother who's photo was in the newspaper for 1 day. Yeah, it's defiantly Natalie.

She's fucking beautiful. How old is she again?
The newspaper said that she was 19, that's how I found out about her heart attack. I made my manager drive me 2 hours to this little town, to this huge hospital. Why does a little town full of poor people have such a fucking huge high quality hospital?

I quietly walk over to the chair on the side of her bed, taking off my coat and folded it over the back of the chair, I turned around to Natalie and smiled.

I let my hand do what it wants as I stroke her soft hair, it's short... Just like her friend's drawing.

I wonder if she ever did get a letter from her friend, has she just been locked in her house the whole time? Maybe her loneliness caused her to have a heart attack? I don't know... I don't know how this stuff works.

I sat down and just stared at her, and for some reason I started crying.
She's not that special to me... Is she? Maybe it's because she's my only source of happiness and motivation, those letters saved my life and her from being in any more pain.

Natalie, I wanna be there for you now. I'm never leaving your side. Ever! I know the pain you're going through and I just wanna help you, okay? I'll stick around until the day I die.


Her eye just flickered open.

"Natalie?" I said.

Her eye flickered again but this time they opened fully and she sat up in bed quickly, she was panting so fast.
Natalie turned her head to me and she went from shock to pure happiness,
"Jeonghan!" She smiled.

Oh she's just a little precious snow ball I love her!

"I'm glad you're awake, and in person instead of waiting 2 days for your letters." I smiled back as I stood up.

"You're the only person who understands me, and you mentioned that you wanted to become a singer, right?" I said as I sat on her bed.

"Yes." She nodded politely. Her hands were shaking, probably from excitement.

"I was thinking, when you're good to leave the hospital, we pack up your stuff and you can come to the industries with me. I was thinking... Maybe we could make music together?" I smiled.

Natalie smiled for a second but it quickly dropped,
"What about Joshua's room? The torn curtains and his retro computer?" She panicked.

"Look, sometimes, when we lose someone we get overly attached to them and want to feel extremely close to them as possible. That was what I was like when my parents died, I refused to leave their room but I was really young at the time so the butler just picked me up and took me downstairs so I could listen to his music that he played on the piano. That was the day I found happiness in someone else, the day I found music, the butler was my best friend but after becoming an idol... I haven't seen him since. He's just looking after an empty house with 5 maids, a chef, a gardener, and a guard. I told him he could have my room though." I told her. She looked down sadly, she still misses Joshua. Well of course she would, suicide hurts everyone.

"I thought you would be able to live in your house?" Natalie asked.
"Nope. Not until another 5 years because as an idol I have a dorm to live in, it's big and room for one more." I smile as I lightly hit her shoulder in a jokingly way.

"Do you keep in touch with the butler?" She asked.
"Yeah. I call him every Sunday. But anyway," I look away for a second, not sure on what to say, "I guess with your brother's room we could take his stuff with us, and the torn curtains, and put it in the spare room because the dorm has 3 bedrooms but two of them are empty. Also, would Joshua want to come to Seoul?"

She nodded, "Yeah, he said he wanted to be a singer as well and that Seoul was the best place for that to happen." Natalie said.

"Where are you from?" I asked. "Because Joshua and Natalie are foreign names."
"Our parents are Korean but we were born in California, America." She told me.

We ended up talking for another hour until a doctor came in, he told me that his daughter was a fan of mine. He also said that Natalie had a heart attack because she was too shocked which caused her heart to.. Yeah.
Now I think I understand the letters when she said she was in pain.

She'll get discharged from the hospital in 1 week which is good.
Finally, I found someone who makes me happy. Thank you Natalie for sending those letters and never stopping.

I loved them.

Heart Attack }{ Y.JH (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now