I knocked lightly two times until she opened it.

“Hey,” I greeted her at the door of her bedroom.

“Hey girl,” She said, welcoming me into her room. It’s bright pink, and I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to paint the apartment walls any color other that like, normal colors like green, tan, brown, you know, stuff that you can match to furniture easily.

“Did you text Zayn?” I asked her, sitting on her stiff, pink bed.

“Yeah, he responded and we texted for a few hours,” She said, sitting on her computer chair and going back on the computer.

“What are you doing?” I looked over her shoulder to notice that she quickly closed Skype right away.

“Nothing,” She closed her laptop and turned around on the chair.

“No, tell me!” I forcefully said to her, leading her into a guilty stage.

“Okay, I dumped my boyfriend today, that’s why I came home and lied saying I was at my friends, and I was just skyping with Zayn,” She admitted, leaving me in excitement.

“So! You and Zayn Eh!” I said out of excitement. I’m glad she’s giving him a chance because he’s so nice and seems better for her other than Niall. I love Niall and all, but I think it's personally better of with Sam, she's more like him.

“Kind of,” She started, “but we’re not like biffles yet,” She ended her sentence in a grin, leaving me in a grin also.

“Well it’s good that you’re feeling happier,” I said to her, giving her a small hug while she’s still sitting down.

“Me too, Chase didn’t make me feel special at all,” She said, thinking Chase is her ex.

I sat back down on her bed, and crossed my legs.

“Oooh what’s this!” I said, unlocking her iPhone and looking through her messages.

“Hey! Don’t look through those!” She hollered, referring to her messages and trying to catch her cell phone out of my hand.

 “Zayn-e Poo?” I laughed, that was Zayn’s contact in her phone, kind of funny eh?

“Shut up okay!” She said, finally grabbing her phone and putting it in her sweatpants pocket.

“You’re such a loser you know,” I said laughing.

She huffed and went back on the computer, probably to continue her Skype session with Zayn. I walked out of her room and into the guest room to go on the guest laptop.

I opened up the guest room door and headed over to my bed and sat down Indian style. I opened up the laptop and went on a few sites, browsing the web a bit.

Apple Bottom jeans – jeans

Boots with the fur (with the fur)

The whole club was looking at her

I scattered in my Hollister bag for my phone, finally finding it and answering the call, it was Louis.

“Hey Louis,” I said, greeting him on the phone.

“Stop stealing my man!” He said sarcastically, leaving me in laughter.

“Shut up you!” I told him and laughed a bit.

“Want to come over on Thursday for dinner?” He asked me, and since today is Monday, it’s in a few days, right before Harry’s date with me.

“Sure!” I said joyfully. We said our goodbyes and I ended the call.

Desperate for Love - Harry Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن