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The movie got finished and I turned to look at the girl who was sleeping peacefully cuddling her blanket. A smile spread across my face when I remembered how I met her the first time.

I entered the classroom and went straight to Nick who was standing with Jacob. We started talking about the party we went to 2 days ago, when someone caught my eye. It was this girl standing near the entrance with Jennifer. She was so mesmerizing. Her eyes were like light brown pool of happiness. Her curly brown hair added to her beauty. I was so taken away with her  beauty that I went to talk to her. I offered her a 'Hi'and she sweetly replied to that.

This happened almost everyday she walked past me and I offered her a simple 'Hi'. After 1 month of constantly being hi hello friends I thought why not just talk to her and actually start a conversation. I entered the school and saw something really hurting. She was standing there with Alex the captain of our football team. His hands were all around her waist and she was smiling so happily. I don't even know why that day it actually broke my heart to see this. It was almost 1 year ago and I was so immature. I went on and told my friends about it and made a really bad impression of her in front my friends.  Feeling rejected I started bullying her. Eventually, our gang started bullying her. I regret doing this to her. She has always been such a nice soul. But now all I know is I'll never hurt her.

Goodnight tiny pie.



I was standing in this big banquet all covered with roses and lavenders, trying to make a  perfect arrangements for my perfect bride and groom. These workers are really hard to work with they just go on ranting about things that just a waste a lot of time. I mean, I need to arrange for the DJ and work with the catering people. Mom and dad are out with Jessica to make arrangements with the church. I am so frustrated at the moment it's difficult to work with people who just don't understand.

Mika and Kevin arrived like 2 minutes ago and I can see they are pretty impressed with the look of the banquet. Yes, I am the best,I know. After completing the decoration, I had to talk to the catering people. I was so tired that I told Kevin to look after the catering thing and called up the DJ.

After all the work, Kevin,Mike and I went to a ice cream Palour. As usual I ordered my chocolate chip ice cream quite excitedly and waited for them to start a conversation because I was way too busy. Come on duh it's food. Priorities first. Kevin decided to go and meet the catering people and I was left alone with Mike.
"you know right you are in a ice cream Palour and you can order an ice cream?" I said.
"I am full. I had cupcakes in the hotel before coming here." he said
"your boring." I said finishing my Ice cream and throwing the cup inside the dustbin.
"Me and boring? Opposite poles sweetheart." he said smirking.
"Really? Prove it." I dared him.
"Sure, tell me what can I do to prove you that?" he asked.
"Nah leave it. You won't be able to do." I smirked.
"Shut up and tell me." he said.
"You see that counter there. Get me the most expensive ice cream available but don't pay them just run."  I said.
"Are you mad? That's stealing." he said.
"I told you. You won't be able to do it." I said. He looked at me and then looked at the counter. Let out a heavy sigh and said "fine. But just run away when I tell you to." I smiled and nodded. He got up and walked towards the counter. He looked back like million times till he reached there. He ordered some ice cream and went towards the paying counter. They placed the ice cream in the slab. He paused for a second and took the ice cream and started running towards me. "Fuck. Run run run run!"  he shouted and I picked up my bag and started running.  We reached out to the streets and saw some worker running behind us. The ice cream almost fell but I held it and ran for my life. On the way I crashed with someone and the ice cream was all over someone's face. "What the fuck!bitch." he shouted. "Sorryyyy!" was all I could shout and run. Me and Mike we running on the same pace, losing our breaths due to excessive running, we entered some building. We walked up to the stairs of the building and reached the terrace. We saw the man who was following us going back to his shop. We both looked at each other and started laughing. We laughed continuously for 10 minutes.
"Mahn that was awesome. I swear." Mike said.
"Hahaha your face was so pale when you went to the counter,damn." I said.
"Excuse me, it's not easy to steal." he said. We were standing on the terrace. The sun was hidden in sights of the clouds. The winds were cold and freezing. It was about to rain. We were sitting in complete silence. So relaxing and so calming. Suddenly, it started raining. If I was normally walking in streets and it had started raining I would have ran here and there to find a shelter. But today I just wanted to be here. Feeling this rain. The cold droplets of water were calming my skin,I felt a hand held mine. I looked into Mike's eyes and placed my head on his chest. I felt peace and warm of our friendship and closed my eyes enjoying the rain. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang,  like someone banged a door.  I saw the door and it was  closed. Fuck.

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