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I was walking in the corridors of our school and thinking about the marriage in Bangkok. Suddenly, someone pulled me inside the garage room. I was about to shout when I was him. Alex.

"What is your freaking problem?" he shouted at me.

"My problem? Really? you are the one who is troubling me from day one." I shouted back.

"That is because I missed you Veronica." He replied calmly.

"But I didn't end of the topic now let me go or else I will shout." I said  and he looked into my eyes. A sense of regret was what I could see. He made a made a way for me and I went out of the garage. As I walked out I saw Mike and he made a eye contact with me and then he saw Alex coming out of the garage room. He looked at me puzzled but I choose to ignore his stares and head my way towards the classroom.

I entered the class and sat on my seat. I was kind of freaked out by the encounter with Alex. I saw Mike entering the classroom and coming straight towards me. 

"Who was he?" He asked in a serious tone burying holes into my eyes.

"Someone from my past." I said with a straight face.

"Ya right, and who is that someone?" he said sitting next to me. I stayed quite. I don't want to think about the things that had happened. It has been the most difficult time of my life. He broke me into pieces not just because he left but because he never told why.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell." he said and I didn't replied. I just hate this topic.

After the school I went home and slept all afternoon. Later the following night I got a text from Kevin.

Kevin: How about a long drive?

Me: Why such a random message?

Kevin: I just came back from my driving classes, I want to test out my skills. Please come:((

Me: You are very weird. Okay, I am waiting for you outside my house.

Kevin: And you are very sweet, On my way.

I kept the phone aside and slipped into my skinny jeans and red overcoat beneath a white shirt. I was wearing my shoes when I saw Kevin's car outside my house. I hurriedly ran towards the door and went outside. I walked towards him and he was just standing there smiling like an idiot.

"You seem so happy today." I said

"I am always happy. Besides that, I had an amazing time at my driving class." He said opening the door for me. I sat inside while he went and sat on the driving seat.

"Oh that's nice, what happened?" I asked. He looked at me and said "I saw Natalie today. My best friend since I was in 3rd grade."  I looked at him and felt something I never left...a sense of jealousy. Natalie was not only his best friend but also his first girlfriend. There relationship was considered to be goals. But later she went to Philippines because of her dad's job.
"Oh Ya I know her, she was in my dance classes before she left." He looked at me and smiled. The rest of car ride was silent he asked me some silly questions but I just straightforwardly answered all and ignored everything else. Oh God, why am I being like this? it's nothing. We stopped in front of a cafe. We entered it and it was full of people. There were  many teenagers there,from many schools and even some strict parents with there obedient children. We ignored everyone and sat near the billing counter.

"So, you tell me how was your day." He asked. I started thinking about how was my day and  the conclusion... it was pathetic.

"Nothing special. Attented classes and slept at home." I said.

We started talking on random topic. He told me how he met Natalie the first time but I was not interested, though he still told me. Later,we started ordering stuff. He ordered his dark coffee, I ordered some latte. We were talking about our careers and all when I saw someone. He looked so familiar, just like...Mike. He was standing there with a Blonde.

"Hey, is that Mike?" I said and he turned his head leftwards to see.

"I don't know, it looks like it is him." he said looking there. Suddenly, that person  turned around with the blonde. Then I saw something shocking, Mike and Mariah?

"What the hell is he doing with Mariah?" Kevin said.

"I don't know."

STORY OF A SHORT GIRL.Where stories live. Discover now