Chapter one

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(Note: text=what they say in they're head)

Goggles POV

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Huh what's sound? Is that my phone ringing better check who's calling me

"*groan* good... Morning!" I said to myself.

I look over at my bedside table and I grabbed my phone, and then I click the call button

"Googles where the heck are you?!" Glasses kun shout. After what he just said I immediately removed my phone from my ear

"What time it is?" I ask
"It's almost 8 o'clock! Hurry up or we can't join the turf war!"

Omg I almost forgot about today battle

"Ok glasses kun I'll be there, so don't worry!" I said with glee
"You better not be late" headphones chan said over the phone

I said goodbye and ended the call.
I quickly rush to the bathroom and took a nice shower.
I grabbed my eggplant mountain coat, my hero runner replica and of course I couldn't forget to grab my pilot goggles

I quickly put them on. After that rush to the front door and said goodbye to my parents

Lucky for me I didn't miss the train.
I sat down beside the door and humming the song that played here, also sometimes I tapped my foot to the beats. Until something catches my eyes

It was...

"Hey rider!" I shout with glee to my inkling friend.

The inkling flinch a bit and turn around so I could meet his glares. But I still keep the smile on my face

"What is it you idiot." He said with stern
"Aww come on rider, don't be so mean" I whine

"Whatever, why did you call me anyway"
He said

"Well I just want to say hello to you" i said with a smile
"... Well hello to you too I guess"

Wow I'm surprised he didn't say anything means, which mean he actually like! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy

"Stop grinning like an idiot, You fool" he laughed a little

"Ah, s-sorry" I said with an embarrassment

Wait did I just stutter? over rider laugh?  Why am I getting this fuzzy feelings every time I'm near him...

"Goggles!" He shout
"Gah! Yes?"
"We already reached our destination, get up you fool"
"Sorry, and thanks for reminding me" I smile at him
"Whatever, but if I got late I'm gonna beat your ass"

We left the train and quickly run to the lobby

Hey guys hope you enjoy this crappy and short chapters. Also please check out this profile because they're fanfic have inspired me to do this



{Goggles x rider}  love is sickening 💔 Where stories live. Discover now