Future! Trunks x Either Gender! Reader

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Requested by: SakuraLunaYin2

(Quick A/N)
I honestly didn't know which Trunks you wanted (Child or Future) so I went ahead and did this one. And I didn't know what gender you wanted the reader to be. So, I hope this is good enough. ^^' Also it's a bit modern and kinda cliche, but I've been having bad writers block. Also I apologize deeply, I just really got caught up with life and all the fancy junk. AnYwAyS, onto the story!

"We brought pizza!" A dark haired man burst through the door, his blue cat-like companion floating in the air behind him. He was carrying atleast
"Pizzaaa!!" You tackled him to the ground. Your (long/short) (hair color) hair swinging around everywhere.
"Whoa, easy tiger!" Trunks came into the room and started laughing. Tonight was our version of "Family Fun Night", which mostly consistent of pizza eating, movie binge-ing, and board games.
Goku quickly ran for the falling pizza, whilst screaming, "Noo!". As he caught all the pizza we all sighed in relief. The day was saved!
"Well that could've been worse." Gohan chuckled.
"Yeah.." the sword wielding Sayian nodding, seeming to daydream.
Soon, you realized you were latching onto Yamcha, who was laying on the floor. "Oops." You got off of him and offered him a hand up.
"Thanks," He coughed out, "you're heavier than you look." Oh, little Yamcha, little did you know.. you fluffed up.
"ExcuSE ME, BOY?"
Oh, you poor boy.
"RUN." A quick chase scene unfolded right before the gangs eyes.

~~~Quick Timeskiiip~~~
"Hiya Georgie.." Yes, us, the hero's of the world/galaxy/universe (basically everywhere to be honest with you), we're watching 'IT'.
"Hey (Y/N).." A gruff but sweet voice whispered from to your left. Turning your head to face him on the small loveseat.
"Yeah, Trunks?" You whispered back. Hoping he wouldn't catch the light blush that danced across your face.
"If you.. ya know.. get scared, you can, uh.. hold onto me..?" He said in a mouse-like voice. Trunks looked to the movie, his face almost as red as yours at this point.
"O-okay.. th-thanks.." you smiled a little bit. You looked back at the TV as the scene of the terrifying dancing clown ripping poor Georgie's arm off came on. "Oh My GoD."
You latched onto Trunks as tightly as you could muster. Suddenly glad that Goku had taken Gohan out with him to get more pizza, pop, and popcorn, you buried your head into Trucks' chest. You could hear his heart beating loudly as he slowly put his arms around you.
"I-It's okay, it's just a movie." He cooed softly.

Shortly after 'IT' was over, it was almost four in the morning, everyone was moving a bit sluggish. Goku returned with a sleeping Gohan. He dropped off the food and drinks, bid his farewells, and went home with the little Sayian.
Sleeping arrangements were not set, however, being the over female, you were offered the three-seater couch. Within minutes everyone became snoring messes. Except you, and the swordsman on the loveseat, which previously held the both of you. He got up and went into the kitchen.
And you know what they say about curiosity and cats. And just like the cat, curiosity grasped it's hold on you.
Slowly, you pulled the thin cover from over top of you and made your way to the kitchen as well. Trunks welcomed your arrival with a small wave.
"Pizza? At what- almost 5 in the morning, Trunks?" He was stuffing his face with the cheesy goodness. He simply hummed as you opened the fridge. Trunks sighed and put the rest of the pizza down on the counter.
"Can I tell you something, (Y/N)," He smiles as he swallows the mouthful he had. You respond with a nod and leans on the counter beside him. ", well for a while now I've uh.." he gets flustered but continues. "Liked you. More than just friends."
You heart skips beat a few times. Was he about to say the magic words?
"Y-yeah..?" You blush.
"Would you...like...to go on a date later this evening..?" Trunks' face gets red with embarrassment. You nod happily with a smile.
"Yes!" You hug him and he hugs back.

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