Bardock x Male! OC

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[A/N: This is NOT my OC, it's my friends. But my OC is there because, I like being weird.]

(!Bardock may be out of character!)
(!My character is insanely out of character for the sake of the story!)

"Oh, come on Amarok, admit it. You like him!" She continued to pester and tease. That smile that said 'I know you do' covered her face, while her yellow eyes shone bright like the full moon. "Gunnolf, just drop it." My face flushed as I growled in response. Gunnolf's black wolf tail wagged with joy and her ears pinned back. It was no secret I liked Bardock, but there was no reason to tease me about it.

"What's going on here?" Speak of the Devil and he shall cometh. My face went white and I was tense with nervousness. I turned around to look at him slowly, he floated onto the ground and looked between the two of us. "Well, I've been trying to get him to tell me who he likes. But so far he won't budge." Oh, Gunnolf, thank you. I looked over to her and she winked at me.

"Wolf female!" Her scouter went off with the angry voice of Frieza. "Sweet Gods, what- oh, shit, I'm late!" I blinked at her as she flew upward into the sky. "I'd stay longer but I'm late for my training session with Dodoria! Sorry guys, bye!" I watched as Gunnolf flew off at highspeeds. Realization hit me as Bardock walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Who?" He asked. "Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"Do you like? Who do you like?" He looked up at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes and chuckled. I felt my face flush as he closed his eyes with a small smile on his face. His hand moved for my should and back to his side. I looked down at my feet.
Bardock must've noticed my nervousness, for he walked in front of me and looked up at my face. "You know you can trust me." It's was true. So very true. He was the closest person I had, besides Gunnold of course, since mine and hers planet collided with a comet.

My tail went between my legs slightly and my ears went back against my head. "Amarok." Bardock said, his voice slightly different than before. I picked my head back up to look at him. His eyes were narrowed, he was serious. "I-I..." My voice faultered. 'Ah, fuck it.' I slammed my lips into his, I felt him tense up as I did so. As I tried so pull away, I felt him grab a fistful of my hair and push my face back onto his. After the heated moments of the kiss we pulled away from each other, my lungs screaming for air as I panted.

He had that cocky-ass grin on his face. "I like you too, Amarok." By now my eyes were as wide as two of Frieza's space ships and face as red as Jiece's skin. "Really..?" My voice came out as a hushed whisper. Bardock laughed and pecked me on the lips. "Of course, you crazy pooch."

"Yes!" We jerked our heads as we seen a beat-up Gunnolf laughing and smiling like a fool. "I'm so happy! My ship!" She howled with happiness. I looked at Bardock and our faces were bright red. "Mine?" He asked. "Yours." I kissed him again and Gunnolf squealed with joy.

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