6. Froyo and Problems

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"He hasn't stopped bothering us you know", Madison said as he looked at me. I sighed but managed a smile.

"It'll be fine, he'll get bored of us eventually"

"Yeah you're right", James smiled. I honestly couldn't understand how I got so lucky as to end up with him. He was honestly the most amazing guy I've ever met.

"Hey, how about I take you out today? Not somewhere super fancy but, you know, just out for froyo?", I asked. James's face lit up and gave me all the answer I needed.


"Want me to drive you there sweetie?"
"No mom honestly it's fine!", I yelled back and I kissed her cheek as I left. I drove to James's house and we made our way to one of the best froyo place ever created: Nummies (I honestly have no idea if this is the name of an actual froyo place but I frankly don't care :3).

I went over and we began ordering and adding toppings. As the cashier told me the total, I started pulling out the money when James pulled out his own. I looked confused and was a bit upset when he payed for the froyo.

"Hey! I wanted to pay", I said as I handed him his spoon and we walked toward a table. "It's fine, you're the one who invited me along, I just wanted to pay."  I pouted slightly at hearing this, which made James sigh.

"It's fine! Honestly", he said as he took my hand in his, kissing it lightly. I blushed and gave in. "Fine..but I'm paying next time!" James laughed and nodded. I began eating, satisfied. (MAY YOU ALWAYSSSSS BE SATISFIED!! Ok I'm done now, no more interruptions)

I noticed James was looking away, his froyo left unguarded. I smirked and quickly took some of his froyo in my spoon and began to eat, him turning around as soon as I did that. He gasped in shock and took some of mine, making me gasp as well. He ate it slowly, smirking. "Now we're even", he said with an evil smirk. I grinned and went back to mine and we chatted happily for a while. Eventually we finished and I drove him back home, where we shared another kiss. It still surprised me if I was honest.

I drove back home, and when I entered, I was surprised to find the house empty. I decided that my mom had gone to the store or something but still went up to her room to check. As soon as I entered, I screamed and ran to my mom who was on the floor, obviously unconscious. Scared, yet still thinking rationally, I dialed 911, shaking my mom and calling her name.


"Sir please calm down. The doctor will be with you in a bit once he's finished evaluating what's wrong", the nurse explained and I nodded, but continued to pace back and forth, shaking.

The doctor finally came out of the emergency room, his face grim. "Are you Rachel Hamilton's son?", he asked. I rolled my eyes. "Of course, I came with her didn't I? What's wrong with my mom?", I asked impatiently, my hands fidgeting in nervousness. The doctor simply sighed.

"Your mother has come down with a fever. It's something very simple to be taken care of, but we're keeping her here in case it turns out to be something worse." As soon as the doctor said it was just a fever I breathed a sigh or relief. She would be fine. She just had to stay here for a couple of days. She'd turn out fine.

I smiled softly and went home, knowing that the doctor wouldn't have let me stay to look at her. I started to go to sleep but couldn't, so I went to my moms room and started cleaning it up nicely for her. She'd like a nice surprise for when she came home. I finished it up by putting a rose in her room in a glass vase, the rose not yet at its peak, where it's petals were open widely and it was simply gorgeous. It was not yet there. I had a feeling it would be when she came home. For now I had to have faith. My mom would be ok. She would be ok.

A/N: Sorry that this is shorter than usual but it was about time that I updated! :3

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