Chapter Two October 25th: Andy's Birthday

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"So what is the plan for today Darlin'?" Jasper asked as he wrapped his arm around Artemis's shoulders. Sighing contently Artemis snuggled into Jasper's side as much as she could with her growing baby belly smiling as Teddy grabbed onto one of her hands, his other one holding onto Jasper's sleep shirt as Jasper had his other arm wrapped around Teddy keeping him from falling off of his lap. "Well the party doesn't actually start till twelve I can't wait to see Andy's reaction as she said she didn't want a party. But I felt that she deserved one after losing Dora and Ted. Severus, Lucius and Draco are coming over as Draco, Dad, Teddy and me are the only immediate family Andy has left." Artemis contemplated but her words drifted into sorrow at the end and Jasper sensing her change in emotions sent her love, affection and happiness as well as kissing her on the lips.

"Well I guess we won't be seeing Severus at all today as he's most likely going to coup himself up in the Potion Lab in the basement." Jasper laughed along with Artemis and Teddy though he didn't know what his parents were laughing about. "Oh and Darlin' Carlisle said he and the others will be over around half twelve once they've all hunted as he has become Andy's friend. They tried to get me to come with them which I find highly insulting as I've already had my fill last night." Jasper said wiggling his eyebrows at Artemis causing to blush and giggle slightly. Chuckling Jasper bent his head forward so he could kiss Artemis better, though it wasn't as passionate as it sometimes got as Teddy was sitting on Jasper's lap.

They had found out from Apolline who had told them that Artemis could feed Jasper so he didn't have to feed from animals as often and she assured them that it wouldn't have any negative effects on Artemis or the baby and that it would actually do the opposite and cause the still new bond between them to strengthen and Artemis loved staring into Jasper's darker than usual honey-Amber coloured eyes. "Jazz stop. Teddy's here." Artemis laughed slightly breathlessly as Jasper started sucking on her collarbone.

"And I need to go to the toilet as Cassie is now lying on my bladder." Jasper chuckled deeply as he looked at the love bites he'd left on her neck and he and his vampire were satisfied that she won't be able to cover all of them. "Okay Darlin' I'll take this little monster down for breakfast and get him ready for the day while you sort yourself out." Jasper said kissing Artemis on the lips. Standing up Jasper placed Teddy on his hip and helped Artemis up from the bed. He watched her to make sure she was alright as she entered the bathroom before he exited the bedroom with his hungry little boy. He decided to dress Teddy and himself after he'd fed him as he knew how messy Teddy could be and he was not going to make that mistake again.

Entering the kitchen he nodded in greeting to Sirius, Arthur, Fred and George as he placed Teddy into his highchair. "What can Dobby be getting Master Teddy for breakfast Master Jasper?" Dobby asked.

"Could you please get him some weetabix with bananas on them and a beaker of milk please Dobby." Jasper said as he made sure Teddy was strapped securely in his highchair. "Granpa Siri, Granpa Art. 'Red, 'Orge." Teddy squealed and banged his hands on the highchair tray when he got a good look at them. The four men at the table all said their hellos to Teddy which included the normal ritual of kissing the toddlers forehead and all of them laughing as Teddy squealed banged Moony on the tray.

"Thank you." Jasper said to Dobby after he'd popped back over with Teddy's breakfast. "Good morning," Jasper said properly to the four men sitting opposite him as he knew they were watching him as he fed Teddy his breakfast. "Where's Andy?" Jasper asked concerned as he noticed she wasn't sat at the table. "Is something wrong Sirius?" Jasper asked as he felt the man's anger as he read the Wizarding paper, The Daily Prophet.

Sighing angrily Sirius threw the paper down onto the table. He took a deep breath to calm himself when Teddy stopped eating to look at him. "To answer your first question Andy is in the basement stocking up on potions and making more of Arte's medicine so Severus has no excuse to stay down there like he does every day when he, Lucius and Draco come over and to answer your other question no I am not alright. I want to go and kill something particularly the old coot." Sirius growled as he started pacing running his hands through his hair that Jasper had seen Arte do when she was worried and now he knew where she got it from. "Where's Arte?" Sirius snapped looking around the room.

Four Times A Charm (Sequel to Blood Moon) #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें