The goddamn waiter from Charee'? Yup, this is how horror movies go. Its always someone you never suspected to be a crazy weirdo hiding in the damn woods.

"Hello darling. Why would a beautiful young lady as yourself, be doing out here this time of night?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I mumbled, keeping a clear distance from him.

A very unsettling grin appeared on his wrinkled face, sending chills down my very spine.

"Well I have to be going." I took a step back. He watched me slowly turn away.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I stiffened.

"What the hell?" I turned around.

It was Blair.

How the hell did he get to me so fast? He was almost thirty yards away from me and he looks like he's about sixty years old. I began yanking my arm away but his grip on me was strong, VERY STRONG, TOO STRONG.

"Get the hell off." I yelled at him.

I looked up to his face. I caught a glimpse of his eyes. Once brown eyes were now bright piercing red eyes. I stopped struggling and looked at him, realizing I was in deep shit. He was not human. Far from it.

"Don't worry my child, I'am not going to kill you." He tried to assure me but I was not falling for it

"What do you want from me?" My heart began racing at an insane pace, pounding in my ears like a marching band.

"Well.." He wrapped his hands around my wrist tighter. "I have direct orders to bring you. Humph, alive."

The word 'alive' left his lips strangely. As if he preferred me dead.

"Bring me where?" There was no way in hell I was going anywhere with this old creep.

"You will see for yourself when we get there my child."

"Do you honestly think I'm going anywhere with you creep?" I mustered up enough courage to say that.

"Well, we can go the easy way by you walking with me or.." He opened his mouth, revealing his teeth. His canines were sharpened to a point. Sort of like...fangs. "I can take you back the hard way. Which do you prefer?"

My stomach tightened up, my heart was pounding at a dangerous level now. I felt like I was in some horror freak show.

I knew if I was going to live, I had to get out of this. I remember one thing my father taught me when I was younger.

If a guy try something stupid, go for the neck or the nuts. But did that also go for old freak shows?

Well here goes nothing. I bald up my fist and swung toward his neck, causing him gag on impact. Then I lifted my knee and connected with his nuts. He released my arm to grab his self. Seeing him in discomfort, I turned and I took off in the woods.

I knew I had no idea where I was going but I didn't care, I knew I had to get out of here.

I was running as fast as I could, ducking tree branches, jumping over fallen trees and ditches. I needed to distance myself from the creepy shit back there. And fast.

Before I knew it, I was being pulled back as two hands wrapped around my body. I hissed in pain as my body was slammed against a thick tree.

I released a loud wail. Sharp pain inched up my spine from the intense impact, weakening me.

"How far did you think you were going to get?" Blair asked. "You need to be punished my dear."

He opened his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs. His eyes shifted from my face to my pulsing neck. I stiffened when I realized what his target was. He was going to bite me.

"NOO!" I struggled to pull away but there was no luck. He was stronger then me. He was faster then me. I was unable to move. I was unable to break free. Looking at the monster in front of me, I knew my awaited face. I closed my eyes tightly, awaiting the fate that was given to me.

A thunderous growl alerted me,  awakening the once quiet woods. I stiffened in fear when I heard the loud commotion of tussling. I opened up my eyes. The sight was unbelievable. Unrealistic. Shocking. Blair was held down by an enormous wolf-like creature.

I watched as fear flickered in Blair's eyes as he laid helplessly under the wolf. I stepped back, falling hard into a tree. I could barely breath. I was left panting as I watched two inhuman monsters battle it out.

Blair stopped fighting before his eyes then shifted to mine. He smiled at me.

Before Blair could release another word from his lips, the wolf sunk his teeth into Blair's neck, crunching down until his head was left dangling from his neck a thin piece of skin.

I cringed. I was left to watch in horror the mutilation of this demonic creature. The wolf then stood straight up over his kill, lifted his head, and howled out at the moon at his victory.

Holy shit!

All I could do was watch the huge black wolf before me. I was unable to speak, breath, or even muster up enough courage to make a run for it.

Realizing he was not alone, the wolf's head snapped toward me, starring at me, like it was awaiting a move from mr. It just was not in me. I felt like my fait was going to be like Blair's very soon.

The huge wolf-like creature began walking toward me slowly. My heart began racing again, causing my breath to shorten. It walked closer and closer until it was standing tall in front of me as it looked down at me. I leaned against the tree trunk, trying to catch my breath as I gasped for air. Wheres the air? I watched as it laid down in front of me, confirming that it wasn't here to eat me nor snap my head off like a bottle top.

The wolf suddenly began to shake, as the sound of snapping bones began to ring in my ears. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, scared to see anything tonight.

"This cant be happening to me." I could feel my body going numb, weak, lifeless and faint every second. I managed to open my eyes back up for one last look at the beast that stood before me.

I opened my eyes. There was no monster nor beast. Just a naked, familiar man, who I knew to well.

"We need to talk." He spoke, his voice finalizing who he was.


My body gave in. The light around me began to disappear as I blacked out from the world.

Sex With A Beast (Sex With A Beast Series #1)✔Where stories live. Discover now