
Emerson trudged into the locker room starting to take off all of her gear. They won in OT thanks to Phil. There had been so many close calls at the end of the game, she wasn't sure how she pulled herself together. All of her thoughts were on Sidney.

Everyone was into their post game clothes, and done with the media. Sullivan didn't seem happy as everyone sat at their places and his eyes ran over the room.

"We looked sloppy by the end. We have a game tomorrow in St. Louis and we won't be looking like how we did tonight." he sighed. "and Sidney?" everyone grew tense, it was rare for their Captain to be called out like this, "don't do that again. I get Dubinsky is an agitator and was getting up in Rousseau, but there was no need to put yourself in danger."

The locker room went silent. Sidney had a hard look on his face, he didn't regret his actions. If put in that situation again he'd do the same thing.

All the guys in the room who knew about Sidney and Emerson's relationship knew why he got involved. There was no way he would have been able to stay out of it, he cared about his girl too much.

And an issue no one wanted to figure out was if Emerson could actually get into a "fight" or handle herself in a heated situation. Emerson knew she could, at least at the college level she could.. but at the nhl level it was never a topic of conversation that game up-

Until now.

"Emerson, can I talk to you?" Mike Sullivan's tone of voice was much softer than before. Yet it still made her chest become tight and anxiety start to rise. She knew all eyes would be on her, including Sidney's, as she followed behind the head coach.

The first thing she thought of was her relationship with the world's best hockey player. She felt an unnecessary feeling of fear nagging her, Emerson wasn't doing well trying to put those thoughts away either. The felt to Sullivan's office felt like she was walking a marathon. She hadn't been called into his office under terms like these before- even though she had no idea what this talk was about.

Stepping inside Sullivan's office Emerson stood there awkwardly unsure of what to do. Pens gear and memorabilia obviously adorned the room, along with other pictures. She had been in here multiple times before but this felt different.

"You can take a seat Ems. This won't take long though." She nodded following his command, "I'll start out saying this has nothing to do with how you've been doing, you really are playing great." Mike gave her a comforting smile, "but today's game brought my attention to the fact we've never talked about you in... certain situations."

Emerson felt a huge weight being lifted off of her chest.

"Well, basically I've had some conversations with some players and other management and we don't think you should engage with anyone in any way. This isn't college."

"I understand that. I don't want to risk anything."

"I'm glad we're on the same page. So, even if it seems like you need to involve yourself or- anything really. Don't."

"I won't." it was clear that the coach didn't want to come out and bring up that as a girl she couldn't handle herself in the league of men.. but she knew the size differences and the strength was the reason behind all this. She understood that perfectly, any woman would have to, it wasn't sexist if that's what Sullivan was trying to avoid.

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