•Patrick Hockstetter 2 (Part 2)•

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•2-Can't live without you•
(Part 2/2)

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2-Can't live without you•(Part 2/2)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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After searching around Derry for hours on end with no results, Takia slumped down against a thick tree, her long legs sprawled out on the dry grass. She dug her thick, black boots into the ground and let out a defeated sigh. Her trembling arm raised slowly towards her face and her watch glowed dimly: 9:32PM. Only half a mile away from where she sat, her (always anxious) mother paced around the house multiple times, before taking a seat by the front door in hopes of her arriving home soon. Mr Tatro was also out looking for his daughter on the other side of town, along with his neighbor, Mr Hank Janson, despite the police warning him against the idea. Though, it was not the child-killer who caused the death of their child, it was the disappearance of her first love that was murdering her. Not once before, to her parents knowledge, had Takia Tatro been out of the house after curfew (they never caught her when sneaking out to see Patrick). So, they became increasingly worried by her absence. While a tear rolled down the cheek of Mrs Tatro, one rolled down her daughters face also. Takia rubbed her face vigorously, as she quietly sobbed.
"Come back, Tricky." She whispered to to herself, finding a sort of comfort in letting his nickname pass through her dried lips. She knew that talking to herself would offer no help to her, but was open to anything to remind her of Patrick. He had been missing less than 24 hours, but Takia knew something was wrong from the second Victor told her he hadn't been at home last night. Patrick hadn't crept through her loosely-closed bedroom window the evening before, so her mind immediately assumed he had been with another —no doubt slutty— girl. Although, nothing like that had happened in a long time and Patrick swore to her that it would never occur again. He said that he knew what love was like, when he realised she was just the same as him. That was the day they became inseparable, as Belch and Victor would say, (Henry Bowers wouldn't dare say something so complementary about either of them).
"I love you, Patrick Hockstetter. I will always love you, Patrick Hockstetter. Just please, come home baby."  Takia had just slightly calmed herself down, when she burst into tears again,
"I'm here with you, babygirl, I'm right here with you Takia." She heard from somewhere in the area behind her. If in a stable mental state, she would've noticed that his voice sounded different, but she was too astonished to realise. Takia swiftly stood from the tree she learnt against and scanned the area with her eager eyes.
"Patrick?" His name left her mouth subconsciously, as she wiped straying tears away in hope to improve her vision. The girl stared into black air that hung eerily around her, out of pure desperation. "Patrick, are you there?" She cried.
"Behind you, Takia." She whipped her head round again, but was met with more empty space.
"Don't play games with me Patrick, I'm not in the mood for games." Her voice was weak and quivered as she spoke. Anxiety bubbled in her stomach and she nervously chewed on her lower lip. Her long fingers tapped against the side of her black-jean-covered legs.
"I— we thought you'd disappeared Patrick. Your parents are worried sick. I-I thought I'd lost you baby." Had she not been so terrified of the boy, Takia would've spilled her heart out to him right there and then. Patrick didn't like her to be soppy, unless he was in the mood to hear it.
Hearing familiarly careless footsteps behind her, Takia spun around —for the final time— and scrunched her trembling hands, so that her finger nails dig into the lines on her palms. Though, this time she was met with an unusual sight. The girl did not see Patrick in front of her, but a single, red balloon. A long, white ribbon dangled limply from it, dancing slightly in the trifling breeze. The rubbery surface glistened oddly, despite no source of light to reflect onto it.
Her bottom lip and her hands trembling, Takia reached her arm out to the helium-filled marvel. She ran her fingers through the air across the area where multiple white letters were printed onto the balloon.
Just please, come home baby.
She read the five words that had come out of her own mouth just moments before, letting out a gasp as she did. Her eyebrows furrowed and she reached further towards it. Only the tips of her fingers grazed it's scarlet surface, before it popped and let out a powerful bang.
Takia was knocked backwards out of shock and her spine hit the tree that she had been sat against. She felt a shooting pain down her back and reached to rub any form of comfort into it. The balloon had almost slipped her mind.
She scrunched her eyes together and let out a groan. Once she opened them again, she saw a figure stood in front of her. At first glance, she assumed it to be Patrick, but changed her mind with a better look. Before her, a clown stood with a menacing grin dominating it's face. Her eyes were struck with fear and she found herself unable to shift her feet from the floor. Her breathing was frantic and tears welled up in her wide eyes.
The monster effortlessly towered over the inferior girl and intimidated her to no end. Goosebumps grew quickly across her skin, as she shivered uncontrollably.
Suddenly, her legs sprung into action again and she began running. Her long legs flailed carelessly, one foot in front of the other, sending her stumbling over strayed rocks and tree roots with almost every step. Takia continued, nevertheless, considering as she sprinted whether she had in fact gone insane. The idea was further proved when she glanced over her shoulder and found nothing following behind her. It was completely abolished, however, when she turned back and found herself fall flat against it's hard chest.
The girl tumbled backwards onto the dusty ground at the clown's feet and whimpered out of pure terror.
Takia was a difficult victim for pennywise to get a hold of, just as Patrick had been. The both of them —the star crossed lovers— were afraid of very little. Patrick's only fear was to be gravely outsmarted. The boy knew that Patrick Hockstetter was the supreme mortal, who reigned —the only real, or correct human that existed— over everyone else. That was, until he met Takia Tatro. She was just like him and for a while she was the one he was afraid of. Though, he discovered quickly that there was one thing that still defined him superior: she was even more afraid of him than he was of her. And so, all the clown had to do to claim the only Hockstetter child, was to outsmart him beyond his comprehension.
Takia proved a little more difficult to understand. There was one thing she was afraid of, not dominance, no horror movie monster, Takia Tatro was afraid of Patrick Hockstetter, and only Patrick Hockstetter. However simple that fear may have seemed, Pennywise struggled to use it to IT's advantage, as the girl also felt a strong love for the boy. A love, unnatural for a pair of sociopaths. Conclusively, the killer clown discovered that he could lure her in easily, through the loss of her beloved boyfriend. Once she was moderately weakened, she would be easy to frighten, with the thought of a dreadful end, before even being allowed to relocate Patrick Hockstetter.
Before being allowed another moments thought, the crazy-clown lunged for her, clasping it's large hand around her throbbing neck. It squeezed her throat tightly.
"Hello, Takia." Pennywise spoke in a voice only identifiable as Patrick Hockstetter's, sending thick tears streaming down her cheeks. She wriggled and kicked under it's grasp, but found herself hopelessly fighting for a lost cause.
As a stringy liquid swung limply from it's lips, the clowns mouth widened and revealed rows and rows of sharp teeth. Takia's hands grabbed and scratched at his fingers, which constricted her throat.
And as Derry's resident killer prepared to take a bite, Takia Tatro used her last, struggled breath to scream her lover's name. Her voice echoed through the dense trees and dispersed into the thick air that hung over the town-of-terror.

The end.

Requested by: takia011

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