"Will you move before I run over you?" She screams loudly as she rolls down her car's window, making me snap out of my day-dream. "Actually, don't! I'd love to see you crushed against my wheels!" She proudly flips her long hair and rolls up the window again. 

I chuckle at her words, shaking my head and stepping back to let her vehicle pass. She doesn't waste time to speed away towards her apartment, leaving me alone on the street. I breathe the cold air for a minute, thinking about today's intense events. The fight, Demi's dramatic departure, our deal, the gym... Yes, I would need a relaxing night! 


I enter by the front door of our mansion this time, knowing that the maids have prepared a delicious supper just by the odour infiltrating my nostrils. I directly walk towards the dining room and find my family sternly installed around the table filled with untouched food. It's exactly what I need! Pasta, sushi, sandwiches, meatballs... For a faint instant, I'm so thankful to be rich!

"We were waiting for you," Paul says in a serious and emotionless voice. "Selena told us that you hung out with Zac the whole afternoon, is that right?"

"Yes father," I lie as always, taking a seat beside my sister who stares at me with kind eyes. Zac is my best friend on the hockey team, and we are often together since we both spend a lot of time in the ice rink.

"Did you have a good time?" Denise asks in a softer voice, making me inwardly smile. Even if she can be as greedy as dad, she does have a good heart. Not that Paul doesn't have one... He just sometimes forgets that I'm his son and not a source of income.

"I had a great time," I quickly say, not wanting to elaborate on it. "What about you, Selena? What did you do today?" I ask my sister, hoping she already has a prepared answer. It might sound selfish, but I just want to change the direction of our conversation.

"I went to the library to prepare my next class for the first graders," Selena responds without hesitation and smiles at our parents. "After all, duty comes before all."

"That's my good girl," Paul gladly comments, putting down his fork. "I am genuinely proud of you, my daughter, even if I don't show it often." He shifts his look to me but doesn't say anything.

At this point, it shouldn't even affect me anymore, but I can't help but still feel a pinch in my heart. It seems like they don't love me for who I really am. Sometimes, it's disturbing to think that my own parents don't like me as they should. They're supposed to be the ones supporting me through thick and thin, but they always try to bring me down instead.

I think Selena senses my pain because she stops eating and speaks up. "I think you should also be proud of Joe; he won the big game this Monday." She smiles at me with pride, which warms up my heart.

Dad seems surprised, and mom almost gets emotional. It's like they just remembered that I'm a successful hockey player.

"That's awesome!" Mom cheers, a little bit speechless. "You are going to the Olympics against the United States of America just like last year! I'm sure your team will get another trophy."

I nod, slightly touched by her words. At least she remembers the big lines of my occupation. I peer at my dad, hoping he'd say something too.

"Well," Paul clears his throat as he feels all eyes on him. "Congratulations, Joseph. I bet you became even more famous now... I hope you wisely use your money."

That must be the most disappointing sentence coming from his mouth. I'm playing hockey because it's my passion, not because I want to be rich. I'll never understand his twisted logic. A cold silence falls upon our family again, making me clearly uncomfortable, until we're interrupted by the loud ring bell. Someone's at the door.

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