Chapter Seven

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Joe's POV 

It's harder than I thought, but I'm not a quitter! My mind screams, still in front of the punching bag two hours later. I clean the sweat pouring down my forehead, while Demi stares at me with a raised eyebrow. The sunset a while ago, which means that the hallways of the gym are mostly empty. I should probably go home before my parents or Selena start to worry about me. Well, not my parents. They wouldn't care less if I'm home or not; I just have to keep the money coming. 

"We're training since hours," Demi points out, taking off her boxing gloves. "Are you sure you want to stay? It's getting late." 

I shake my head and continue to throw punches with velocity. I also have some frustration to let go, and I must admit that boxing is a good way to get rid of it. There are also other ways... But we're not there yet, I think naughtily as I quickly glance at the woman. 

Demi nods after a while and hands me a bottle of water. "You need it," she jokes, knowing that I'm probably thirsty and beyond exhausted. 

I accept her offer and finish the whole bottle without caring if she wants some or not. My body isn't used to this much physical effort... Hockey is also a demanding sport but in a totally different way. At least you don't need to punch a bag non-stop for long minutes! Or even a real person! Don't ask me how boxers can handle this 'sport' every day because I definitely can't!

"Wow, take the time to rest," the boxer says as soon as I drop to the floor, too weak to continue my training. "It's not a hurry anyway. Learning is a process that takes a lot more time than a few hours."

"You're right," I sigh a little, collecting my belongings. "I need a shower because I'm sure that my hair is soaked wet by now after all the effort I put. I think you'd need one too."

She peers at my hair for a few seconds and smiles lightly. "Definitely. I am hungry as fuck and I absolutely didn't plan to spend my afternoon with you at the gym. We really should go home now; it has been a long day for the both of us." 

Her expression darkens a little, probably thinking about the fight that we still didn't talk about. Maybe she's not ready to talk about it; That's why I didn't ask. I don't want to push her into telling me anyway; we are barely even considered as friends. 

"Alright... Well, do you want to start learning hockey tomorrow?" I ask her as we're about to leave the room, making her stop. "I'm actually free after my practices, so you can join me at the local ice rink by four in the afternoon." 

She hesitates for a bit, evidently considering this possibility. "I'm not sure if my coach would give me a break for the rest of the month, but I'll have a clear answer tonight or tomorrow morning. Is that alright with you?"

"Okay..." I say. "I'll text you for real this time."

Demi gives me a long look, obviously frustrated that I made her sweat last night. "You better, because I don't wanna wait all night with my phone glued to my hand." We walk out of the building, seeing that the sky is already dark. It's still winter, after all. "Do you know how to go home?" She glances at my Ferrari sitting in the parking lot. 

"No, but I have Google Maps installed on my device," I joke a little, making her crack the corner of a smile. "So see you tomorrow?" I say in an unsure voice as she stops beside her blue car. 

"Yeah, I guess so," she approves, swirling out her car keys. "Goodnight, hockey player."

I watch her enter the dirty car, wondering why she doesn't buy a new one. Maybe she isn't as fortunate as me; I'm aware that not everyone has the money to buy a Ferrari, not even a successful boxer. Or maybe she likes the old one and wants to keep it by choice. I should ask her the next time we have a decent conversation. 

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