yet another author update, whoops

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I don't mean to fill the space with author updates, might even go back and unpublish the others or some such if they get to be too much, but anywho I just wanted to apologize for not updating more, I usually write on my phone because I get too distracted when on my computer but my heggin phone has been on the fritz and it tends to close the app or freeze or some such, basically making it a pain in the butt to try and update from it.

Poor Anti (my aptly named and very glitchy phone) is on his last legs I think so updates will unsurprisingly be varied, but I have decided to go with  the idea of building off of comments so~

One shot prompts, questions for pretty much any egos, and truth or dare scenarios can be commented and if I see the comment I'll try and write something up for it, I'll also try to figure out how to tag people or just insert screen caps of the comment that way you'll get credit for it.
Right now there aren't really any rules for what you can/can't suggest as I'm open to pretty much anything, I've written smut and torture before, in the same setting too, so I don't really have a problem with possibly exploring prompts and such along those lines if desired but do keep in mind this is supposed to be 'one shots' so the shorter the better, this 'book' is mostly darkstache but I also have another one that's for pretty much any and all egos so you can pop into my profile and go check that out if you'd rather that annd yeah, that's all! 

Also I decided part way through writing this that I'll keep author updates to only one 'page' so if I need to update again then this one, the old update, will be marked unpublished so new comers wont have to see a shit ton of my ramblings.

Head canons that will likely be implied/put to use here:

Celine wasn't the only one to love William, Damien did too

Possibly Cel and Dami were siblings

Dark leeches colour from clothes and other such things he's in prolonged contact with

Dark also can't see most colours very clearly if at all, mostly just reds and blues like the colors on him, Wilf found this out at one point and its why he wears and is known for such bright pinks, it both bright and a shoot off of red so Dark can see it more than most colours.

Dark can purr and growl like an animal, and maybe Wilf too... Idk I think it's cute

This will likely get updated here and there but that's all for now lol

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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