Just two drinks Darkling~

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(I originally intended to lead this towards smut but then I realized I'm much to laze for that lel, I might continue this one for one more chapter before continuing to the next one shot so we'll see where it goes from here, speaking of.. If you'd like you guys can suggest ideas for the one shot plots if you want, I also notices that truth or dare and question based stories at kinda popular so I miiight mix in a few 'chapters' with those ideas.. Depends on what y'all want I guess. Word count: 1315)

Wilford sat across from Dark and watched him meticulously eat and drink pretty much everything he sat before him, making him glad he'd made so many sandwiches since his theory that Dark gad skipped lunch seems to have been correct, and of course he was especially excited to see him drinking as much coffee as he was, his only comment on the difference in taste was him wondering if different beans had been bought. Wilford himself only barely sipped at his coffee to make it seem like he was truly drinking it, he was honestly surprised at his plan working out so well as he himself could very clearly taste the added liquor, he silently thanked Darks strangely muted taste buds just this once as he watched his cheeks ever so slowly flush a dark grey, nearly black color, his eyes roamed over Dark hungrily when the other wasn't paying attention to notice it.

Why was he doing this you night ask? Well to put it simply he'd been thinking about Dark alot lately, and very sexually so, and he knew from past experiences that not only was a drunk Dark more open and honest with his feelings, but also he was much friskier, for reasons unknown to Wilford alcohol seemed to just get the other man ever so worked up.. Something he'd discovered a few years back when Dark confessed his feelings for him only to then throw himself at Wil who, at the time, didn't know how to feel about Dark in the slightest, it was also during a time when Dark was drawn into more scenarios that forced him to drink for business reasons. Needless to say he was quick to fall in love with the loving, gentle, and even romantic side Dark tended to show when drunken, eventually he even gave in to his sexual advances.. However if Dark even remembered those times he gave no sign to it normally, well at least not to the more sexual times but he did seemed to have opened up just a bit when it was just the two of them..

Ah but that was all then and this was now, and now Wilford had a plan, and that did not include him giving into Dark this time around! From an outside view their relationship was certainly very strange to have Wilford feeling the need to intoxicate Dark just to get any sexual attention but really he didn't care, from his point of view he knew how Dark felt about him and what he really want but was just too.. Scared maybe to give into such feelings and desires, but Wilford certainly wasn't and eventually he'd get Dark comfortable enough that he wouldn't be either! But he was also quite impatient and had needs as well so.. y'know... baby steps.

Ah but enough with that, let's get on with things shall we, now where was I? Ah yes.

Dark hummed a bit as he gulped down more coffee, a sort of lazy smile worked it's way onto his face at the warm feeling he got from the coffee, having not realized the warm feeling was actually from alcohol. Wilford smirked a bit at his smile but he paid no mind, instead opting to lean forward on one arm to smile at him warmly "dinner was lovely, thank you peaches" he hummed out contentedly as his eyes slid shut, Wil was beaming at him again at the familiar nickname and knew the alcohol was already starting to work it's magic.

Mere moments later Dark was opening his eyes with a quiet huff to slowly strip his suit jacket off and leave it draped on the back of the chair as one might do with the average hoodie rather than an expensive suit jacket, he rocked his head from side to side to loosen and pop his stiff neck. Wilford was squirming in his seat a bit from impatience and excitement but did his best to cover it up by offering him pretty much the last of the spiked coffee "want the last of it Darkie?" He offered a sweet smile and an innocent tone yet his pink eyes were dancing with mischief, Dark smiled at him lazily and held out his cup, his half lidded eyes, flushed dark cheeks, and cute smile just killed Wil a little but he just happily filled his cup with the last of the coffee, Dark of course set straight to drinking it as he preferred it black for the most taste.

It didn't take long for Dark to slowly slump in his chair with a pouty expression, Wil set both elbows on the desk and propped his chin up between both hands, looking a bit smug "something wrong Darkling?" When Dark looked to him his dark grey irises slowly shifted to a bright blue, the same colour as his lines, he huffed quietly "Mm'booreddd, don't wanna go back to werk" then he even hiccupped lightly, Wil chuckled quietly and hummed as if thinking "well... We could always go back to my place for those drinks I mentioned earlier~" he teased lightly, Dark seemed to debate it for a moment then sluggishly shook his head but reached towards him anyway, even making slightly grabby hands, ah the wonder of alcohol "noo driink" he paused and over the dark grey flush of his skin came a different blush, bright red again like the lines about him rather than something natural looking "maybe.. Cuddle?" He offered with an almost innocent bashful look, that paired with the blue eyes and red blush and it suddenly clicked who had control right now and he beamed at him as he got up and moved to his side of the desk to gently capture both his hands "that sounds lovely Damien" he murmured softly, earning a precious tentative smile that just melted Wil's big ole pink heart.

Dark got to his feet a bit sluggishly and wrapped his arms around Wil in a big bear hug, his chin hooking over the others shoulder with a contented hum, Wil chuckled softly and held him tight as he whisked them away to his house, when they arrived the both just stood there for a long time with their eyes shut and their arms around each other , Wil was the first to break the silence with and uncertain expression "Darling.. You love me right?" He practically whispered, almost fearing his answer, DarkDamien (DD) giggled quietly "of couursshh, with everyyything we havee, we love you" then he nuzzled against him with another little giggle, Wil chuckled quietly and was immediately put at ease "I love you all too" he murmured back, then he led DD over to the bed and gently pushed him down to sit on the edge,then quickly kneeled in front of him to pull each of his shoes off and set them near the foot od the bed, finally he kicked off his own shoes and crawled past DD onto the bed, patting it to get him to crawl in closer as well, once he crawled over Wil laid them down with DD pulled to his chest and a soft smile on his face, DD nuzzled in and gently held onto the front of his shirt with a contented look

(( tl:dr of this apparently: Wilf: "I'm gunna fuck em!" *looks at Dark* "I'm going to cuddle protect and cherish him for the rest of forever" ))

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