4. "We're all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours."

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"We're all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours."


As a child, I watched in envy as my mother combed through my little sister's hair every morning right before the crack of dawn. I would sit there glowering at the sight as I ran my hands through my short brown hair.

I wanted what my sister had.

I wanted my mother to play with my hair.

Abigail inherited my mother's looks with light blonde locks, sparkling green eyes and her warm tan skin whilst I was the polar opposite with my father's pale skin, an untameable mass of curly brown hair and his infamous pale blue eyes.

My sister was not only the spitting image of my mother; she also had her personality. Abigail was a high achiever; she was always at the top of her class and would come back home with tons and tons of ribbons. She was, known for being patient and kind, whilst my father and I were both stubborn and short-tempered.

I do love my father. I have always respected him and given him my utmost loyalty, but my mother was my role model.

I admit that I was jealous that my sister was the exact carbon copy of my mother. I hated that I didn't resemble her in the slightest.

But what I was unaware of was; what kept manifesting inside me for sixteen years was a little secret that my wolf was hiding. And a year after my mother's death, as I transformed into the beast for the first time, I soon came to realise that my wolf had my mother's white fur coat.

So maybe Abigail did get my mother's looks, but I inherited my mother's wolf, which I think was something far more honourable . . .


As I slowly sunk back into reality, a feeling of weightlessness took over my body as if I was floating in mid-air. I could feel my body slowly being lifted and placed onto a wet patchy surface.

When I tried to open my eyes, my command was futile, my eyes wouldn't do as they were told, and I felt that familiar feeling of darkness take over my body again, my fear growing numb to it.

Inside I felt nothing different; I felt just the same, hollow like I had been for the past two weeks.

"Dad?" I breathed out through the dull pang at the back of my head. The air whistled around me, giving me a sense that I was alone wherever I was. The thought was comforting yet still heightened my fear.

The darkness continued to grow, leaving me senseless. I could feel the wind howling around my body viciously and the trees rustling loudly from above.

My emotions were all on overdrive, engulfed in a state of fear as panic coursed through my veins. Deep down, I felt as though I was slowly leaving this world, drawing closer and closer to my dear mother and sister.

Through the fear and panic, I pushed through the darkness and willed my eyes to flutter open. A flood of light blinded me for a second, and at that moment, I thought I was in heaven, but as soon as my eyes adjusted to the brightness and I blinked to take in the surroundings around me, I was left, in a heavy state of confusion.

I didn't know where I was. Everything was wet, green and covered in leaves around me. It was all foreign, including the scents. I didn't recognise the thick, densely covered trees surrounding me that seemed to block out most of the sunlight or the light mist floating in the moist air, and I most certainly didn't recognise the dark shadows looming around a man leaning against a tree to my far right.  

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now