7|Bloody Prince

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Sonic goes outside to recover his head from Shadow's image. He keeps thinking about Shadow until he could not fall asleep."I wanna talk with somebody else so I would be fine." he asks himself and went to Tails' house.

Tails and Sonic talk to each other."Sonic, why you suddenly need a friend to talk with?... Are you feel bad after fighting with Eggman?"Sonic let his mind goes blank."I didn't fight with Eggman. I just have a nightmare."Tails rub Sonic's back to make him comfortable"Don't worry, I'm here. Just let go all the nightmare in your head and thinking something good."Sonic look at Tails tornado"Tails...mind if I borrow your emerald?"Tails look at his tornado"Oh...I can lend you my emerald but remember...bring it back to me cause I need it"Sonic give a thumbs up and run to the park.

Sonic tries to search for an emerald around the park. Suddenly, the black clouds roam and fill the sky.  Sonic feel somethings not right as he looks at the sky. One of Eggman's robot call Metal Sonic came in front of him. Sonic takes a step back and ready for a fight."What do you want?"

Metal Sonic keep silent as he flies towards Sonic and attacks Sonic's body."Ugh..."Sonic's body has taken many damaged until Sonic's bleeding."I won't give up that easily." as Sonic stand up slowly. Metal Sonic scan Sonic's body to find a weak spot and try to attack as Sonic dodged every movement Metal Sonic makes.

Sonic become tired and he does not have any strength."Please...leave me...alone"Sonic's body fall to the ground as he lost many bloods."CHAOS CONTROL!!!"all of a sudden the time has stopped.

Shadow using a Chaos Spear to break Metal Sonic's core. The battle was over and Shadow saw Sonic lying on the ground, helpless."Sha...dow"Sonic try to look at Shadow's face."Sonic, hold on. I will run as fast as I could to the hospital. Just hold on."Shadow carry Sonic and Sonic hug Shadow tightly. The pain has caused him a lot of blood loss.

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