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Sonic is such an early bird so he decides to make breakfast. He looks around the house and saw Shadow sleeping on the couch. Sonic looks at Shadow and he suddenly has a feeling to disturb him. He walks close to Shadow and rubs his head. Sonic face turns sad.

Suddenly, he receives a message from Silver."Oh, no...i almost forgot that I have a date with Silver today!"Sonic's voice disturbs Shadow and makes him wake up"What's wrong, Sonic?"Sonic turns to Shadow and try not to tell about Silver"Um...Tails calling me for an emergency."Shadow look at Sonic" Is he sick?"No...he want me to find another chaos emerald." and Sonic smile.                                               

         Sonic tells Shadow to stay. Shadow nod and let Sonic go. Shadow continued to sleep but he can't. He's worried if Sonic gets caught by Eggman's robot or Metal Sonic on his way to Tails house. Shadow keeps looking at the ceiling and decides to drink a coffee to make him stop worrying about Sonic.

        Sonic arrives at Silver's house."Hey Silver.Sorry I'm late"Silver keep smile"It's okay and thank you for accompanying me".Meanwhile, at Sonic's house, Shadow looks at the clock that shows 1 pm. Shadow getting so worried because he knows that Sonic is the fastest thing alive and it was easy for him to find the emerald fast by using another emerald.

Shadow tries to call Sonic but he didn't get through. Shadow uses a chaos control to teleport to Tails house."Tails...is sonic here?"What?"Tails confused."Sonic is not here" What?"Shadow getting worried about him."Try finding him at Silver's house. I heard that he goes there to have a date with Silver."S-Silver..."Shadow quickly teleport to Silver's house.

        Shadow hit Silver's house and saw Sonic and Silver having their special time'."Sonic...get back home, NOW!!" ask Shadow angrily. Sonic tries to calm Shadow down and try to explain to him what is going on."You tell me you go to Tails house and help him to find the emerald but... I was being tricked. You just lie to me!"Sonic holds Shadow's hand but Shadow dodges it."Shads... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this. I try to accompanying Silver because he feels lonely" So how about me?... Do you really care about me?"Shadow said."Shadow..."Sonic mumble.

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