// Chapter 10: Crimson Love

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// Story: Sunlight
// by The Albinocorn

"Mmmmm," Sunset groaned, turning over on her soft pillow. A bird continued to chirp outside her window, and she wished it would be quiet for at least another hour. Still, it persisted, and Sunset had no choice but to crack her eyes open, finding a crystallized ceiling above her.

She blinked three times, forcing the bleariness to go away. The crystal ceiling remained, shimmering in multiple hues. What? Where am I? It was a bit of a struggle, but Sunset lifted herself up, removing a hoof from under her bed sheets. She twisted about and ran her hooves over her face. Her eyes grew wider as it dawned on her she was rubbing her face with hooves.

"A pony? When... how?" Blurry images bubbled to the surface of her bewildered mind. She rubbed her forehead, hoping to clear up her memory. She could see it now, her fight with Twilight. Helping her friends get to safety. Going back through the portal before the sun came up. After that, everything was still hazy.

An impatient growl broke her train of concentration. Her stomach felt hollow; so hollow in fact, that it was ready to cave in on itself. "Ugghh, it can't even be noon and I already need more..." Sunset paused. Actually... she didn't feel the need to drink blood. She was hungry, not for sweet red liquid, but actual food.

Turning her head to the left, there was a small table with a bowl of assorted fruits. Sunset reached for it with a hoof, but remembered the convenience that was her horn. Her magic came to her like a second instinct, and she picked an apple up and brought it to her mouth. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she just wasn't imagining the change. Her stomach roared again, and Sunset bit into the red, juicy fruit.

It tasted delicious.

Sunset tore into it with fervor, savoring every taste and texture. A tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm normal!" she cried, tossing the apple core into the air. She went to work on the vine of grapes, popping them in three at a time.

A door to her right opened up, and a voice said, "Sunset, you're awake! And it looks like you're doing better!"

Sunset twisted around and found Princess Twilight Sparkle beaming at her. She swallowed the mouthful of grapes and smiled as well. "Hey, Twilight."

Princess Twilight trotted over and sat next to Sunset's bed. "Hi, Sunset." She blushed and rubbed a hoof against her neck. "Looks like I kinda dropped the ball again, didn't I? Seems every time you need me, I'm not around."

Seeing the guilt in the Princess' eyes, Sunset was desperate to say something, but words failed her. She had really needed Princess Twilight's help, or at least some general advice. At the same time... "It's not fair for me to keep relying on you whenever we have a problem though. You've got enough to worry about as is."

"Still, as resourceful and resilient as you are, this was something I think could have only been solved with access to magic." Twilight stood up and held a hoof to Sunset. "Do you think you can walk?"

Sunset took her hoof and eased her way out of bed. She was a little wobbly, but she soon found her footing and trotted along after the Princess. Sunset marveled at the large hallways and ornamented doors. "So, this is your castle? It's huge."

"Yeah," Princess Twilight giggled. "I still find new rooms I haven't explored sometimes." She led Sunset into the library, where the mirror portal sat against the back wall, still active. "I wish I could have brought you over under more pleasant circumstances."

On a table next to the portal was a small cage containing the bat. It hung from the bars, asleep with its wings folded around its body. Sunset kept her distance, rubbing her neck. "So, how did you cure us?" She looked around. "And where is everyone?"

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