Chapter 8: Bite to the Finish

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// Story: Sunlight
// by The Albinocorn

The chains binding Sunset rattled as she finally slipped out of them, tossing the last one over her head. They couldn't be heard over the argument those girls were making upstairs. Interestingly enough, Twilight's voice was absent from the conversation.

She stretched her arms and worked the kinks out of her shoulders before lifting the bottom of her shirt up to examine the burn mark. It no longer hurt, but the skin was still black.

Sunset sat down again, crossing one leg over the other. Twilight left a mark on me. It's only fair I leave a mark on her, too. She put on a feral smile and clasped her hands together. They could argue and protest all they wanted, but Sunset knew the choice Twilight would make. It was just a matter of waiting now.

"I'm not about to just hand off Twilight to a vampire!" Rainbow shouted.

"But, Rainbow..." Twilight said softly.

Applejack cut over her. "I hate it too, but what choice do we have?"

"Girls, I'll-"

Rainbow slammed her fist on the door. "Ask for something else, Sunset!"


"I'll do it!" Twilight yelled. The room upstairs fell silent, while Sunset grinned to herself in the dark. "I'll do it," Twilight said again in a softer voice. "I-it's just a little bit of blood. It's for the greater good."

Oh, I can assure you, Twilight, blood isn't the only thing I'm taking.

The door knob wiggled, then abruptly stopped. "Twilight," Rainbow said in a serious whisper. "You and I both heard all the things she said earlier. What if she wants more than blood?"

Twilight was silent for a moment. "I trust her." Underneath her trembling voice, there was a note of confidence. The knob turned again, and light spilled down the steps, silhouetting Twilight's figure. She closed the door and descended the stairs, stopping at the base.

She gasped, seeing the coil of chains in the small sliver of light the moon provided. "S-Sunset?"

"Don't worry, Sparky." Sunset got up from her chair and stepped into the light. "No surprises this time. Here I am."

"How'd you get out of those chains? When did you get out?"

"About two minutes ago. As for how..." Sunset played with her pointed ear. "Let's just say I'm quite slippery when I want to be." Sunset stepped closer, watching Twilight raise her arms and cover her chest. "Don't be so modest, Twilight. I told you, you're beautiful, every inch of you."

Twilight stood her ground against Sunset's advancement, but she began to tremble. "You just want blood, Sunset. That's all you need, right?"

"That's all I need but not all I want." She reached out and gently pulled Twilight's arms down. "And deep down, you want the same thing I do."

"I want you to help us." Twilight made sure to avoid Sunset's eyes.

Sunset slid around to Twilight's side, running a finger up her arm. "I will, I promise. But I need to help myself first. And maybe I can help you, too."

Twilight shook her head. "I don't need help-ah!"

Sunset blew in Twilight's ear, making her shudder. "You're such a stickler for rules and regulations. Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to listen to that little voice in your head telling you right from wrong?"

"I did that already," Twilight whispered. "I never want to do it again."

Moving behind Twilight, Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight's waist, pulling her into a light hug. "What if I was beside you the entire time?" She blew down Twilight's neck.

SunlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora