

Himiko's eyes widened. "That's amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah. And he's matured... kind of." Rin scratched the back of his head, "He's still extremely energetic, and flirtatious, but he's gained some kind of sense. He asked if we wanted to join them at a Host Club reunion. I mean... I was part of the club." After they officially attended Ouran, Rin continued to be in the host club.

"That sounds great." Himiko said, a smile on her face. "When is it?"


"That soon?!" Himiko exclaimed, "Well, at least we don't have any missions tomorrow. And it is a Saturday... so Kamata doesn't have school."

She and Rin had decided that they didn't want their children placed in the set life of an assassin, of course her and Rin were still assassins, but with Kimi being the new director, different rules have been set into action. Any children don't have to be part of the organization, though they can't know about it. As far as Kamata's aware of, her parents just go off on business trips for the company they work with. She doesn't know the specifics.

"Well, what did you tell him?" Himiko asked.

"I said we'll come. Of course, I kinda forgot to add that we were bringing Kamata it's us..."

"Oh dear, Tamaki's gonna freak, isn't he?" Himiko asked with a sigh. "Well, that'll be an interesting reaction, won't it?"

The next day, Himiko and Rin headed over to where Tamaki was hosing the reunion. Apparently, it was going to be a fancy get together with all the girls who had been regulars of the host club, many well known guests were going to attend.

"Daddy, will there be other kids my age there?" Kamata asked from the back seat of the car.

"I'm not sure sweetie, maybe." Rin answered her, "But you'll be able to meet some of Mommy and Daddy's old friends."

"But that sound boring! It will all be adults!" Kamata complained.

"Oh, just wait, Kama." Himiko told her daughter with a chuckle, "I think you'll find them very entertaining."



Once they got to the place, Himiko stepped out of the car, and opened the back door, helping Kamata out of her kids seat.

"Woah! This place is so big!" Kamata exclaimed, holding Himiko's hand as Rin got out of the car and locked the doors. "Is this a castle?"

Himiko smiled, "It is a castle, so remember to to polite, you'll be seeing a lot of princes and princesses here, not to mention kings and queens."

"Alright mommy! I'll behave!"


"You ready?" Rin asked, meeting the two of them.

"As I'll ever be, I don't think I'll ever be ready for what Tamaki ever has planned." Himiko sighed.

"Well, let's go."

A Thorn on a Rose (OHSHC) (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora