I tapped my ID again and crossed the narrow door at the end of the counter towards the not-so-comfortable looking chair that was situated behind it. I sat on the chair and could confirm that my tailbone was not going to like it in the long run. There was a desktop computer on my left, displaying a blank blue screen. I touched the mouse and the screen immediately asked for my login credentials and the password. I suppose Mr Stanley will be briefing me on that. There was a blank notebook on the desk, along with two pens and a pencil. The library was short on stationary, it seems. A telephone was situated right next to the computer. A small printout was taped on the telephone, where important extension numbers were listed. Behind my chair was a large framed decorative painting, the only burst of colour in this boring room.

This was it. This was my new office.

As I was taking in the unfamiliar environment, the library door slid open. A short, gray-haired man with a beer gut entered, carrying with him a small basket that contained a thick book, or manual of some sort, as well as other booklets. This must be Mr Stanley.

"Ms Singh?"

I nodded in confirmation. "That's me. I'm assuming you are Mr Stanley?"

"Correct. Welcome to the NCCF Library, or as the inmates like to call it, the only safe sanctuary in hell." He chuckled, amused at his own joke. Or was it a joke?

A special welcome indeed.

"As our head librarian, you will have to fulfil a lot of duties. Mind you, it will be exhausting. If you can work in this library, you can work in any library, that I can assure you. Now, let's get down to business. As our head librarian you will have to do the following," he began, as he took out a slip of paper from inside the thick manual. He handed the paper to me, and read its contents out loud.

"At exactly 9 a.m., you will have to open and at 6 p.m., shut the library. What I mean is that the library will be strictly prohibited outside working hours. You will be the first and the last person here. You will be supervising five inmate library workers who will be assisting you in your duties. This booklet consists of their backgrounds," he continued, handing over said booklet to me.

"You will be responsible for ordering, receiving, and inventorying book requests in general, monitoring special book requests from inmates, ordering periodicals and law books, picking up book donations, and clearing out book drop boxes, that is, the white box you see over there," he pointed to a large white box by the counter.

"You will also be answering reference questions when necessary. You will be responsible for your own IT troubleshooting unless external assistance is requested. You will come up with creative workshops and ideas to help inmates not only distract themselves and stay out of trouble but also to aid them in the rehabilitation process. Your mission henceforth is to be able to provide educational and recreational resources to the inmates at NCCF," he elaborated.

Clearing his throat, he then handed over the thick manual, which as you may guess, was incredibly heavy. I had begun to develop a dislike towards thick manuals in general, so I tried not to wince.

"This manual will explain everything else. You are required to read this. I will be coordinating surprise visits where I will question you on the library protocol. This manual will also explain how you are to behave with inmates. Now, follow me."

I obediently followed him. He stopped by the painting and motioned for me to come closer. He pointed to a red button on the right side of the frame.

"This is the emergency button. As soon as you press this, the library will enter the lockdown phase. Only our officers will be able to enter to face any sort of emergencies. Please do not overuse this. The paperwork required after it is an absolute headache," he grunted.

I nodded absently, inspecting the button more closely.

"Oh, and Ms Singh?"

I turned around to face him once more.

"Just like any other staff member at NCCF, you will also have to respond to altercations. While there will be the two mandatory guards stationed here as well as on the outside of the inmate entrance, more often than not, altercations can go out of control, and you will have to join the fray. If it goes out of hand, only then will you call for backup. Are we clear?" he asked pointedly.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. The inmate workers will be arriving by 10 a.m. You have an hour and a half to familiarize yourself with the inner workings. You are free to create your own system, whichever pleases you. It must comply with protocol, however, so again, I urge you to read the manual as soon as possible. Inmates will not be allowed in the library today, other than the workers. This is for you to prepare yourself mentally. They will come tomorrow. Inmates are allowed here between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. only."

"Noted, Sir."

"Alright then, it seems that you are ready. All the best, Ms Singh."

I gave him a polite smile, before walking over to the book drop box. I noticed that Mr Stanley was yet to leave the premises. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, and I turned around to find him watching me.

"Ms Singh, if I may..."

"What seems to be the problem, Mr Stanley?"

"You see, Ms Singh, I.. I was able to look into your CV before hiring you. You were formerly employed as the legal counsel in Mariano & Yang. It was obviously a well-paid job. Why would you ditch the comfortable life for a stint in jail as a prison librarian, of all things? It is not exactly the highest-paid job, not to mention the risks that it carries. Why the drastic career change? I'm sorry if that was uncalled for, I am just... curious," he observed.

"I am afraid I will not be answering that question, Mr Stanley, for personal reasons. I'm now an employee here, and that is all that needs to be said." I answered, giving him a wry smile.

"Ah, I.. I see. Sorry to intrude. I let curiosity get the best of me sometimes. Heh," he chuckled uncomfortably. Clearing his throat once again, he continued. "In that case, I will take your leave, Ms Singh."

"Thank you for all your help, Mr Stanley, I will do my best here," I assured him.

Well, I will try to.

Breaking Free (Unnamed Series #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora