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so i tried my hand at writing in the usual perspective i hope this turned out at least kind of okay??

but like,,, its kinda written in a more poetic format?? idk how to describe it

anyway i hope yall enjoy the chapter <3

a lil more saimota centric
i apologize for ooc!! 😔

"shuichi! Wait up!"

saihara turns to look behind him,
and running towards him was
momota, his boyfriend.

(his boyfriend? after his confession
to tenko, the label didn't feel right.
saihara didn't know why).

momota huffs after catching up
to saihara, droplets of sweat
rolling down his forehead.

he sends saihara his usual, easy smile,
one that typically made saihara
go red. though it didn't take effect
on him now. the reason why remains
unknown to saihara.

(though resurfacing from the depths in his mind, he supposes it has something
to do with a certain green-haired boy.
he tries to shove that thought deeper into his mind again, where it belongs).

"you didn't wait," momota breathes
and saihara feels a stab of guilt.

in fact, guilt has been stabbing him
in the back ever since his little
confession to tenko, so much that
he should have been dead by now.

he takes the the initiative to avoid
both momota and amami, though
being alone to ditch them made it
even worse.

(saihara being left alone with his
thoughts usually resulted more

momota's next words added to the
bonfire that currently burned
him up from the inside.

"shu...are you mad at me, or
somethin'?" he questions with an
uncharacteristically quiet voice,
making saihara fall silent and drown
in his own inner guilt.

"n-no, it's"
saihara answers hesitantly,
refusing to make eye contact
with momota.

(for someone who could sniff
out a lie easily, saihara himself
was a shitty liar. he knows this
because momota frowned at his
words just right now).

"are you sure? it somethin'
else?" momota hesitates at the words
something else. this makes saihara
wonder if he does know about the
whole thing with amami.

"it's school. i'm not mad, really."

(saihara was mad, but not really
at momota. this anger was more
directed at himself, like it always
was. then again, it wasn't really anger.
it was more like disappointment).

right now, momota is
uncharacteristically quiet.
then he speaks again.

"really? because i think this
has to do with..." momota, again,
hesitates, before mumbling.

"...that amami dude."

saihara could've sworn he would've
had a heart attack right on the spot.
so momota did know.

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