i n t r o d u c t i o n

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amami - bold
saihara - italics
other characters - normal text


wherein amami rantarou makes a phone call to the wrong number, and saihara shuuichi happens to be the recipient.


not edited
published; 09/10/17
ending; 03/10/18


i. wake me - bleachers | ii. EASE - troye sivan | iii. BLUE - troye sivan | iv. magic - coldplay | v. give me love - ed sheeran | vi. for him. - troye sivan | vii. video games - the young professionals (cover, original by lana del rey) | viii. northern downpour - panic! at the disco | xi. collar full - panic! at the disco | x. youth - troye sivan


• amasai | amami rantarou/shuuichi saihara

• slight saimota

• platonic amamatsu

• background pairings


alternate title; Please Don't Mind The Shitty Summary by Fall Out Boy

hello and welcome to the first installment of the soulmate series!! (possibly??) and my first dangan fanfic- idk how skilled i would be in this department but les go-

id like to say that i really love this pairing a-oKAY-

also theres gonna be a shit ton of gay pairings heads up

idk if yall would read this but if you do then thanks


i don't own danganronpa, nor do i own characters such as amami and saihara. i also do not own any of the songs in the playlist and was only inspired by them to write this fanfiction.

thank you, and (hopefully) happy reading!



to my lovely readers who inspired me to keep this running

to my sister who gives me ideas when a bitchin writer's block strikes

to troye sivan for existing. i love that man and his songs

and to all the gay books and fanfiction ive read (boy meets boy, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, anyone?) bc it brings out the inner gayness in my black soul


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