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»Not friends
not enemies
Just strangers with memories«



Royalty looked at me sighing before going back on her phone

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Royalty looked at me sighing before going back on her phone.

"Neddy, yhu need some rest," She said.

"Gudnite Tyty," Kennedy said

"I luh yhu," Royalty said before hanging up.

She sighed in relief and placed her arm around Danny.

"I kno' what it feels like ta' lose somebody, people.." She said

"Dat's not ma point." He replied sounding like he was boutta cry. "It's not da first time I lost somebody. It's jus' dat losin' somebody yhu cared fo' by someone yhu loves relative......come on Ty bare with me...."

"What are yhu fightin' fo?" She questioned him. "Peace or War? Do yhu want hatred or Love? Danny yhu can only choose one, If yhu love Kennedy, yhu don't have a reason to break up wit her because someone is is tryin' to ruin it."

"Listen...Dunton broke me and Kennedy up caus', he's in da way. And if that's the case we can't work out. I wanna kill him but dat will do nothin' but ta' bring grief in her life. She will hate me." He got up. "So it was better to jus' end things."

"Nobody can make dat choice fo' yhu and Kennedy. It's better ta' start somethin' and finish it. She's yo' girl, she wants ta' be here fo' yhu, dat's why she told yhu not ta' have any communication wit' him. Dat bruise she got, she ain't get it ta' please anybody, she earned it fo' fightin' fo' yhu." She argues. "And she put dat effort ta' get Chip ta' come down here and help yhu. Now why does she get da blame?"

"Danny man." I got up. "Don't let another motherfucker break that bond. Think 'bout it," I pat his shoulder, turning to Royalty and pecking her lips.

"I'll be back," I said.

I walked out....

I walked downstairs. Everyone was in their own corner.

Trinity in a corner with her head down on her phone.

Imani asleep on the ground.
Oh that's not comfortable, where's Jayden.?

Alexis was asleep on Deejay's shoulder whilst he played with her hair.

Jordan and David. Weren't down here.

Breakable Deal | TayK Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora